Chapter 7

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"Ms. Mitchell?" I called out.

"Yes?" She replied back.

"Do you mind watching Miracle for a little bit?" She asked.

"Of course not. This is what I'm here for," she said.


"No problem. Also, I allowed Miracle to have ice cream before dinner but not too much."

"Okay," she said.

Ms. Mitchell is the housekeeper. When I moved back into my old home and told my mom where I was, she made it a point to get a housekeeper to help around the house and with Miracle. The reason I asked Ms. Mitchell to watch Miracle is that I have someone very important to meet with. I don't want Miracle around this person.

I go in my car and drive off. After about 15 minutes, I arrived at the jail. I went to jail to finally see my dad. I know what he did, but I still miss him.

(If I got the process wrong, I'm sorry. I've never visited someone at the jail, so I don't know how it goes.)

I go up to the person at the desk.

"I'm here to see Terrell Smith."

"Terrell Smith!? He hasn't had visitors in a few years," he said.

"If you don't mind my asking, what's a girl like yourself doing visiting him?" He asked.

"I actually do mind, so could you please just let me see my father?"

"Oh, I'm sorry," he said.

I know it was a little rude, but it honestly wasn't his business.

He told me to put my things in a bin then took me a room with multiple phones on opposite sides of the glass.

"Wait here. Find whichever one to sit at," the officer said.

Honestly, I'm kinda honest...about two things. I'm nervous about being around cops cuz you know what I been on lately. I'm nervous about seeing my dad. I haven't seen him since I was 16. I didn't think he'd want to see. I mean it is my fault that he's here in the first place, and on top of that, they found some more stuff on him to keep him possibly for life. He's killed a lot of people.

The guard brought him in on the other side. Once he saw me, he looked very surprised. I expected that. I picked up the phone and so did he.

Unsure of where to start, I say "Hey dad." At first, he was quiet, but he said "Hi" I expected that.

"It's been a while."

"It most certainly has..." he said.

"I heard you all moved, " he said.

"Yeah, my mom wanted a fresh start."

"How has life been?" He asked.

"Honestly, a little hectic."

"Wanna tell me about it?" He asked.

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