Chapter 32

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(I was gonna do Jayceon's POV, but I couldn't come up with how to write it.)

Friday, June 19th

Finally graduating!!! I can't wait! I got so much stuff I wanna dooo! Imma open up a lil shop for hair and nails. Or get into fashion. I wanna travel. I wanna try Cali life. I'm so readyyyy!

"Bae, you ready? Monica wants us to take pictures." Rashawn said.

"Yeah. Let's go!." We go downstairs and outside where everybody is at. Jayceon, Trayveon, Josh, Monica, Miya, Cortez, Rashawn, and I took a group photo. Then, we took our separate pictures.

Monica pulled me off to the side looking extra happy.

"What's up?" She hugged me.

"You bouta graduate!!!" She said.

"I'm so proud of you! With all the shit that happened. You're still here and strong as ever. Despite going through what you did, you still came out on top.!" She said.

"I'm proud of you too! You went through way more shit then I could've handled, and you're handling it better than I expected. You're always thinking about us. And always trying to protect everybody. You're way stronger than me. I would've cracked under the pressure, to tell you the truth."

"I love you, Monica." I hugged her tightly.

"I love you tooo." She said back.

"You gon make me cry." She said.

"And ion even be crying for real." She said. I laughed.

"We gotta go!" Jayceon said.

"See y'all!" I told Monica and Josh.

We all get in different cars and head to the place where the graduation will be held.


We got to the building, and our dean had us go over our walk-in, class song, how we sit in our seats; Jayceon had to go over his speech because he got salutatorian.

Once we went over all of that, we had some free time to just sit around and talk until it was time for us to get in our places.


As we was going down the aisle, I saw Monica, My grandparents, Josh, my moms, and TJ.

The hell this nigga doin here???

I got to my seat and looked back. We locked eyes, and I noticed he looked concerned. I gave a confused look. He looked towards Jayceon. Then looked back at me. He held up his phone.

I got my phone out of my pocket.

We don't know who, but somebody's planning on crashing this graduation🔫

How u know?

We got a phone call earlier. We tried to track it, but we couldn't get no leads.

He just told us "watch out for ole boy Jayceon this nice graduation morning"


Call da boys up here have em make sure nobody get in without a ticket


Some girl next to me nudged me.
"Dean looking dead at you. You know u not supposed to be on yo phone." She said.

I shrugged and put my phone back.

The staff said what they had to say. Then, we sang like three songs. Now, it was time for Jayceon's speech. He walked up on the stage with his speech in hand, and grabbed the mic.

"Good afternoon! It's my
great pleasure
to be here, talking to you in such a special occasion. Let me
give a special thank to welcome
parents, relatives, friends,teachers and administrators for
attending our graduation ceremony today..." He went on.

He went from thanking people to telling us his struggles through high school(that he could tell without going to jail lmao). To talking about something about building new relationships. I wasn't really paying attention. I was on edge with what TJ told me.

As he was going to close out his speech, the doors bust open.


"EVERYBODY GET DOWN!" Somebody yelled. The lights turn down. Shots rang. I tried to find momma and Monica. Next thing I know I hear a scream by the stage. Monica's scream.


Damn! I can't see shit!


Damn it!

The lights turned on, and I see lots of bodies laid down on the floor. People crying, screaming, running.


"Might well kill two birds with one stone." I heard someone say.

Next thing I know, I see blood pouring out of my stomach, and I drop to the floor and pass out.


Word Count: 777

(I had writer's block like a mfker😭. This chapter shorter than usual, but there's a reason for that.)
(To clarify, I'm not done with this book. I'm just done with part one of it.)
(Anyways, part one of this book is finally done!!! How y'all feeling?)

(Say what y'all gotta say in the comments)

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