Chapter 31

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             Monday, June 15th

"My baby graduating todayyyy." My momma said hugging me.

"You excited!?" She asked.

"Hell yeah. I'm ready to travel." She hit me upside my head.

"Ouch mommy. Why you do that?"

"Ion give a fuck if you is graduating. Ain't no cursin in my presence. You ain't grown." She said.

"I'm 18 bouta be 19 in june."

"And you gon still be my baby." She said.


"We need to take pictures." Granny said.

"I need to go granny. I needa go early."

"Just a quick picture. Come on girl." She said.

"I gotta go."

"Yeah you gon go after you take this picture. Now come on." She said. I sighed and went over to take that picture.

I went over to the building my graduation was being held. We went over graduation procedures for the last time.


I been waiting for this day for the longest. I finally graduate after four long years in the bitch. Today would've been the best if I had both of my bestfriends here . I know Trent is in a better place, cheering me on from above.

Today didn't even feel real until I heard the song that we have to march to. Marching in I seen everyone who was here to support me, all my family and friends. After we finished marching we parted ways by the stage and took our seats. Girls on the left and boys on the right.

The principal & staff talked for a good minute, the valedictorian and salutatorian gave their speeches. (I would've been valedictorian if I hadn't gotten kidnapped😒) and then they began calling names. As they were calling names I wasn't paying attention until I heard them say "Raine Daine"

"THATS MY FRIENDDDD!" I shouted cause my bitch did her shit. The crew was clapping and shouting for her as well.

After a few more names I knew my name was coming up then finally I heard it "Monica Smith!" I was so excited. As I was walking all I heard was "Perioddddd" & "She did her shit" & "Thats my best bitchhh" & a bunch of clapping.

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