Chapter 1

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(Turn on music⬆️ for effect)

Sunday Night, December 22th

"Here lies the body of Jayceon Johnson. He didn't have many blood relatives but he did have a loving family. It is tragic he couldn't fight to the end. It's sad he had been taking away at such a young age but he's with our lord and savior now looking down at us."

Why? Why him? Why not me? This is all my fault. He would've been alive if I hadn't dragged him into my mess.

I cried nonstop. I felt a gaping whole in my heart. It would not go away. I went closer to see him one last time. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Rashawn.

"It's all gonna be okay. Just please wake up," he said.


"Please Monica. I need you to open your eyes," he said.




As I open my eyes I see a brightness. My eyes wide open I see that I'm in a hospital room. I look around the room and see Rashawn next to me.

I sat up.

It must have just been a nightmare.

"Monica!" He said looking so relieved.

He hugged me very tightly.

"Don't squeeze me to death now," I said hugging him back.

"Sorry it's just that you've been out for awhile," he said.

"How long?" I asked.

"A little less than a month," he answered.

"A month?! How's Miracle doing? is she okay? Where's Jayceon? Did we get Destiny and Trent? Are they okay?"

"Woah. Woah. Woah. You just woke up. Just chill out. One question at a time," he said.

I took a deep breath in and out.

"Is Miracle okay?"

"Yes. She just misses you all," he said.

"Okay. Where's Jayceon?"

"He's...still in a coma," he said.


"Did-Did we get Trent and Destiny back?"

"Yes and no," he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked ready to start crying.

"Well when we got them they were severely injured. The doctors didn't think both of them were gonna make it. Yesterday, Trent stopped breathing, and they couldn't bring his breathing back under control, so he passed. Destiny, however, is in a coma still breathing," he said.

Lots of tears started streaming down my face.

I lost my bestfriend. It was my fault. I had gotten my bestfriend killed. I was the death of him.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. I'm sure he doesn't blame you for what happened. I know he doesn't. I know he knows that you were only trying to protect him," Rashawn said.

"I'm gonna go get the doctor," he said leaving out.

I look around the room and noticed the flowers, cards, and teddy bears. I must be popular or something cause I don't remember having this many friends and family. The doctor came in.

"You are one lucky girl. We weren't sure if you were gonna wake up because of your injuries," the doctor said.

"When can I leave? I hate hospitals."

"You can leave in about a week or two," he said.

"You still need rest. Also you need physical therapy," he said.

"I'll have to do a check up," he said.

He did the check up then he gave me some pain medicine and left.

"What's today?"

"Sunday," Rashawn answered.

"No, I mean like the day day. Not the name the number."

"Oh. It's December 22," he said, "We're on Christmas break now."

"That means Miracles birthday is coming up! I can't be stuck in here and not celebrate her birthday."

"We can talk to the doctor about that," Rashawn said.

There was a moment of silence.

"Can I go see Destiny?"

"Yeah, let me get you a wheelchair," Rashawn said.

"Ion need no wheelchair. I got two working legs."

I tried to get up, but the pain was too much, and I fell back on the bed.

"What's this about not needing a wheelchair?" Rashawn asked.

"Man just get the damn wheelchair!"

He got the wheelchair, and he helped me get in it.

"You know Miracle has been asking when she can transfer," Rashawn said.

"Well she can transfer as soon as I can leave this hospital."

He pushed my wheelchair all the way to Destiny's room. Seeing her look so weak, bandages everywhere with the thing that helps her breathe breaks my heart. I took her hand out from under the cover and held it. For a second, I swear I felt her squeeze my hand.

I looked at Rashawn to see if he saw what I did. He looked just as surprised as me.

"Go get her doctor!"

"Ight. I'll be right back!" Rashawn said practically running out the room.

I look back at Destiny.

"You bet not be playing with me."

I felt her squeeze again.

"Woah. Hold up...Squeeze twice if you can hear me."

She did just that.

"I hope this means you can wake up soon."

I saw her leg move a little. She must be trying to move. Rashawn finally came in but without the doctor.

"Boy, where the doctor at?"

"He said it's not possible for her to be moving right now. She sustained too many injuries," he said.

"Well he ain't see her leg move or feel her squeeze."

"He thinks you're imagining it, but I know damn well I saw what I saw," he said.

"Nigga must be crazy..."

I looked at Destiny again.

Ain't no way I imagined shit.

"Okay Destiny, imma visit again later. I wanna go visit Jayceon now."

She squeezed my again. I squeezed back then let go.

No fucking way that I imagined it.

"Rashawn, can you take me to Jayceon."

"Yeah, let's go," he said grabbing my wheelchair.

He rolled me all the way to his room then left me in there, so I could be there on my own. I struggled, but I made it on top Jayceon's bed. I looked at him and ran my fingers through his hair.

"You need to wake up soon. You don't wanna miss Miracle's birthday on Wednesday, do you?"

I, of course, got no answer. I laid on his chest listening to his slow heartbeat, and I eventually fell asleep.

Word Count:1051

(Did y'all really think Jayceon was gone?)

(Will Destiny wake up soon?)

(Let me know in the comments➡️)

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