Chapter 35

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If you are easily affected by issues related to abuse, I suggest not viewing this.


It's been a month since Jayceon's passing day, and I've been burying my myself in work. With the club, school, and taking care of Ariah, I need a damn break. Luckily, I plan on hiring an assistant to help me manage my schedule.

It would be nice to have some alone time with myself, and with Amari. He's been wanting to take me out for awhile, but I never have time. He insists on bringing Ariah along, but I feel like it wouldn't be a real date if I brung lil Ari around all the time, ya know?

Anyways, right now I'm just getting out of a meeting about investing buisness. I'm still deciding whether I should or not. It's like yes I wanna help, but then I might not even have the time. You know what I'm saying?

I'll to a decision once I see about this assistant stuff. Speaking of which, I'm meeting with a few potentials right in a little bit. After this I can call it a day.


I knock on Rashawn's office door.

"Come in." He says. He was looking at papers that seemed to stress him out.

"Yeah?" He asked without looking up.

"I think I finally got a lead. And I might have to go under cover to find out more."

He looked up quick. "Tell me what you know." He demanded.

"So basically..."


"For the last time, this wheelchair ain't gonna stop nothing. No, I will not be signing away anything. And if I were it would be to one of my children." I hung up the phone.

My assistant Valarie walked in.

"More people trying to get your businesses?" She asked.

"You know it. These people don't know how to quit."

"Maybe that's why their so successful in the field they're in," she said.

"So what you trynna tell me?"

"I think you should give one away," she said. "Just to ease up on the workload you have and they've been offering really good deals."

"I don't need less work."

"Just consider it," she said.


"Good," she said.

"What's next on the schedule?"

"That was it for today. You can finish up any paperwork you had and just go
home," she said.

"Thanks Valarie. I'll see you Monday."

"Goodnight. See you Mrs. Smith," she said.

Mrs. Smith... I'm glad I didn't change my last name to his.

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