Chapter 5

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(Turn on Music for effect⬆️)

It was around 10, and we were at home watching Christmas movies except for Miracle and the twins. They were asleep. I get a call, so I leave the kitchen. It was from the doctor.

The good doctor 👩🏾‍⚕️...


"Ah yes Ms.Smith. I would like to inform you about one of the patients you call family," she said.

"What is you have to tell me?"

Honestly this had me a little scared. I was afraid she was gonna tell me that Jayceon or Destiny died or something. Or they won't ever wake up.

"Well it's about Destiny Carter. She's awake," she said.

"I'm on my way."

Call Ended...

I wanted to cry so bad. I missed her so much. I'm so glad I can finally see her again, but awake. I grab my keys and head straight to the hospital without a word to anybody. Once I got to the the hospital, I decided to tell Rashawn where I was, so he didn't worry.

I go in the hospital and run to her room. Due to my injuries, I stopped running and decided to just walk because my body was starting to hurt. I wasn't use to all this running yet. Once I got to her room door, I took a deep breath and went in.


"Monica?" She said.

I went to her and gave her a big hug. We stayed that way for like five minutes.

"So what happened? How did we get here?" She asked.

I let her go and sat on her bed.

"Well, you obviously you were taken again. Both you and Trent. When we came to take you back, you had a lot of injuries. The doctors didn't think you would recover."

"Sadly, Trent passed away while in a coma," I say as I started to shed tears.

"Monica..." She said.


"What about my baby?" She asked.

"Well...she didn't make it."

Tears started streaming down her face. I hugged her and rubbed her back.




"I'll be right back. I have to go check on Jayceon."

"Okay," she says.

I go to Jayceon's room. Unfortunately, he's still not awake. I sat on his bed and held his hand.

I wish he would wake up.

"It's time for you to wake up. I miss you. Jayceon...I'm sorry."

"I shouldn't have let you go. I just- I was keen on getting Destiny and Trent back that I didn't stop to think about you."

"And now because of my selfishness you might not even wake up."

I started crying. Always this crying isn't like me, but I can't help it. All this is my fault. Miracle's mom was killed, Destiny was kidnapped twice, she lost her baby, Trent died, Jayceon's in a coma and might not even wake up. They didn't even get to walk across the stage. And it's all because of me. If I didn't go looking for trouble, we wouldn't be here. I'm always causing some kind of trouble for everybody.

I squeeze his hand.

"I'm so sorry Jayceon. I'm so sorry."

Jayceon's POV

"I'm so sorry Jayceon. Im so sorry," Monica said.

I wish I could tell her it's all okay. That I'm not blaming her. I mean this whole thing was gonna happen whether she did or did not seek it out. It's not her fault. I made the decision to go knowing the danger I put myself in.
I wish I could hold her, kiss her, make her worries go away, but I can't even fucking move.

"Maybe it's better if I'm not around," she says.

"Maybe if I'm not around people won't get hurt," she says.

She kisses me on my forehead.

Monica! Monica!

"Mon...ica," I say but it was too late. She had already left.

Monica POV

As I'm leaving the hospital, I see Rashawn, Josh, Trayveon, and Miracle.

"Is she awake?" Rashawn asked.

"Yeah. She's pretty sad about the miscarriage."

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Home. I need to uh clear my head."

"It looks like you've been crying, " he says.

"I'm fine. I just need a break."

"I'll see y'all later."

"I wanna go with MoMo, " Miracle says.

"Okay. Come on."

I grab Miracle's hand and walk to the car. I put help her in the car then get in my self. I drive home. Once I get home, I start packing.

"MoMo why are you packing?" Miracle asked.

"Because I'm moving."

"Am I going?" she asks.

"Do you wanna go?"

"Yes, "she replies.

"Okay then we're both moving."

I pack up my things then Miracles. I leave a note on my bed. Then I grab my phone out of my pocket and put it on my bed. I go to that special room I had and grabbed a different phone with a new number. I go downstairs where Miracle is and tell her that we're leaving. Once we're in the car, I drive off. Tears started going down my face again. I had to do this. Things will be better now that I'm not in their way.

Rashawn's POV

Thursday, December 26

It was like five in the morning and the three of us stay in the hotel with Destiny. It was time for us to go. Doctors orders. So we go home and I look for Monic but I can't find her.

"Monica!" I yelled but no answer.

I decided to call her. I hear her phone ringing, so I follow it. I followed it up to her bedroom and see her phone and a sticky note on the bed. I look around the room and notice it was cleaned out
I picked up the note and it read:

"If you're reading this, then I'm already gone. I'm sorry I cause so much trouble. I wish I could make it up but I can't. I decide to leave because if I'm not in y'all way, I won't cause anything else. I left my phone so you wouldn't try to contact me. I'm so sorry. If Jayceon wakes up tell him that I love him."

Word Count: 1047

(Where did Monica go?)

(Will Rashawn be able to find her?)

(Let me know what you think in the comments➡️)

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I hope you enjoyed this🥺

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