Chapter 14

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I left out the room and closed the door softly. I saw the last worker, so I quickly stopped him.

"Wait! Hey, can you please unlock these. The key is right here," I said pointing at my pocket.

"Yeah. Are you okay? How'd you get here?" He asked while getting the cuffs off me.

"Just your regular kidnapping," I said trying to calm my nerves.

He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Tough crowd."

"Do you need anything?" He asked.

"Mind getting me t-."

The next thing I know he's on the floor with a bullet in his head.

"Didn't I say there'd be consequences."

He held the gun towards me.

"Go back in the damn room," he says.

I sighed in frustration.

"I'm not putting no fucking handcuffs on," I said heading towards the room.

The room just had to be on the first floor, I thought.

When I was back in the room, I ran in the bathroom and locked myself in. If I'm going to sleep here, I refuse to sleep where they can do something in my sleep.

This is gonna be a long night.

Saturday, January 11th


I've up in my office for the longest. I haven't gone to sleep. I was just hoping there was a way other than speaking to my dad. I tried tracking the van down. Hopefully, when we get there, it'll lead us to them or something. I got a call from my mom. This lady up at all hours.

Momma❤️💯 Calling...

"Boy, if you don't get your ass to sleep!" She said.

"You called me. How you know I wasn't just sleeping?"

"Cuz I know. Now, do what I told you, boy," she said.

"I can't. I need to look for-."

"How you gonna look for her when you can barely keep your eyes open? How are you gonna find her if you can't stay awake? You need your rest or else you won't have enough rest to think efficiently," she said.

"Now, as I said, get some damn rest. Then, find my daughter," she said.

"Ight, ma."

"Goodnight baby," she said.

"Good night, ma."

Call Ended...


"Soooo can I get some food? Or are you planning to starve me?"

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