Chapter 45

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A couple weeks later

"Work with here, baby." I said to Ariah trynna put on her diper. This girl refused to sit still. I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. Her eyes were immediately glued to the screen, and she stopped moving. I put the diper on and picked her up.

"Now was that so hard?"

I went in the living room and got on my knees. I stood Ariah up and held her arms. I went back a little and tried to get her to take some steps.

"We finna have you walking, baby girl." After awhile I put her down and gave her some toys I bought her.

"We gon get you walking one day. Either that or talking." I stood up and went to go grab my phone real quick from the other room.

I came back to Ariah standing up all on her own.

"Yessirrr! Next thing you know you finna be walking." I said walking back to her and sitting down.

"We gon get you walking as a nice lil surprise for yo mommyy."

She sat down and crawled over to me. I sat her in my lap.

"D-da da da da." Ariah said.

(I wanted to give her some lines lol)

"That's right. I'm da da." I said holding her up and kissing her.


"Monica!" I hear outside my door.

"Open the door!" Rashawn demands.

I may or may not have been locked in this room for a couple weeks because I don't know where my baby is or if she's okay. Are they even feeding her?! Are they hurting her?! I miss my baby! I ain't never been away from her this long.

I know it's only been a couple weeks but that's my baby. I would lose my MIND if anything happens to her.

"We know where she is, Monica!" He yelled.

I froze.

"At least, where we think she might be." He said.

"Don't you wanna come out, so you can know the plan?" He asked.

I got up out the bed and unlocked the door. I opened it. I met Rah's eyes.

"What do we gotta do?"

He smiled.

"And what if she not there?"

"Then we'll keep him alive until he tells us." Rashawn said.

"And what if it's too late? What if- what if he already-." I couldn't even say it.

"He didn't." Rashawn said.

"How do you know that though?"

"Because I know. It wouldn't make sense. He most likely took her for leverage. So he can get whatever he wants, so it wouldn't make sense to kill her. Then, he wouldn't have an advantage." Rashawn said.

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