Chapter 20

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"Mh," she said.


"Nothing," she looking out the window.

"Destiny, I'm not about to play with you."

"It's just that they knew where you were before I did even though I'm your bestfriend," she said. I rolled my eyes.

"The reason I didn't tell you first was you was one of the people I tried staying away from."

"So you not replacing me?" She asked.

"Girl can't nobody replace you. You ain't know?" She smiled.

"I feel special. I feel speciaaaal," she said. I laughed.

We arrived at Cortez's house, and I texted him to come out. Miya and him got in my car, and I drove off.

"Where are we going now?" Destiny asked.

"Wait and see," I said.


"Hold on! Hold on! Play that again," Destiny said. I had recorded Amiya, and Cortez falling trynna skate backwards. Destiny, and I was laughing our asses off.

"It wasn't even that funny," Miya said folding her arms trynna hold in her laugh.

"Man speak for yo self. I was dying. I feel bad for the people behind us. Started a whole chain reaction. One fall we all fall," Cortez said. I posted the video on ig.

"I'm hungry."

"Me too," Destiny said.

"Whereweboutaeatat?" Cortez asked. I laughed.

"Where y'all trynna go?" They shrugged. I rolled my eyes.

"Chipotle it is."

"You and this damn chipotle!" Amiya said.

"You got an addiction bestie. It's time for an intervention," Destiny said.


"She's in denial right now guys. We might have to get her to go to therapy," Cortez.

"How many times have you eaten Chipotle this week?" Destiny said looking concerned.

I looked down. "Four times guys. It's true I gotta addiction," I said fake crying.

"It's even worst than we thought," Amiya said. "We gon get you through this." She rubbed my back.


I knocked on the hospital door.

"Come in!" He said.

"Surprise!" I said opening the door.

His eyes grew wide. The biggest smile grew on his face. I walked over to him and gave him multiple kisses and one tight ass hug.

Can I Trust You? 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें