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"Hello, am I talking with Mr. Jimin? Kim Namjoon's husband?"

"Yes, it's me.. Why..?"

"Your husband.."

Jimin's heartbeat become more faster his husband's name was mentioned. He felt something had happened to him.

"W-What happened to h-him...?"

"He's involved in an accident."


"I need you to come here as soon as possible. Later, I will give you the location of his hospital."


After they end the call, Jimin quickly take the car key and rushingly went out from the house. He started his car engine and speeding up to the hospital location that was given by that person who called him just now.

When he arrived there, he walked fastly to the receptionist on the ground floor near the entrance.

"Miss, can I ask where a patient named Kim Namjoon was treated at?"

Seeing Jimin being rushing, the receptionist quickly searching for the patient room.

"Oh, he's currently in an icu. At level 4."

"Thank you."

Jimin enter the lift nearest that goes to level 4 like what he had been told by the receptionist. When he arrived at front of the icu room, he notices a doctor coming out from the room but the doctor seems doesn't notice


The doctor turned to Jimin when he heard someone called him.

"Are the one who called me?"

"No, it's not me.. It's my staff.."

"H-How about m-my husband...?"

Jimin felt nervous while waiting for the doctor's reply. His face doesn't seems like everything is okay.

"You can enter the room. He's critical right now."

His tears were about to burst out when the critical word coming out from the doctor's mouth. He enter the room immediately. When he steps inside the room, the tears that he hold before bursting out and can't be control anymore.

The person he loves and lives for 3 years is currently laying on the hospital's bed, wearing a breathing mask while most part of his body is connecting to machines. The sound of heartbeat machine seems like they will stop in anytime.

Slowly, he went to Namjoon's side while still crying.


Namjoon open his eyes into a half slowly. A smile carved on his pale lips behind the breathing mask after he saw his beloved person standing beside him.


When Namjoon lifts his right arm, Jimin quickly grabs it and intertwine them together tightly with his.

"I'm here, Joonie.."

Namjoon removed the breathing mask when he about to say something to Jimin.

"B-Baby, you know t-that I love you, r-right..?"

Jimin nodded. He knows that, of course. For Jimin, Namjoon is the best husband in the world. He felt so lucky to have him as his husband. Namjoon is so perfect. He always work hard for both of them. He never forget to pamper Jimin with kisses and cuddles. Most of the time, Namjoon is the one who cooked for them.

He's the one who comfort Jimin and feel more better after the death of his parents because of chronic illness. He never fail to make Jimin laughing and smiling with his action and cuteness. There's more reason that make Jimin never regret of marrying Namjoon.

"I don't have much time, Jimin.. I want to apologize to you.."

Jimin shakes his head. "No. No, Joonie.. You won't leave me.. You won't go anywhere.. You will be here with me.."

"I'm sorry for all of my wrongdoings throughout our marriage life.. I'm sorry if I'm not a good husband like you always want to have.."

Jimin's tears flowing out so fast.

"No, Joonie.. Trust me.. You will be okay and healthy back.. We will live together and even more happier.." said Jimin while crying.

Namjoon lifts his other hand and landed while patting Jimin's baby bump softly. Yes, Jimin is now 7 months pregnant with Namjoon's child after 3 years of marriage.

"My little Jiyeon, daddy is sorry because I won't be there with you when you were born.. I can't see your face, and I can't hear you first cry.. Please be nice to your appa, okay...? Please know that daddy love you so much and I can't wait to see you.. B-But, time doesn't allowed daddy to do that..."

Namjoon looks at Jimin's crying face and wiping the tears away from his cheeks.

"And you, Jimin.. I'm sorry too because I can't accompany you when our child was born.. I'm sorry that you need to go through all that alone.."

"No, Joonie.. You promised to accompany me and raise our child together... Did you forgot about that..? You can't leave me... I love you.."

Namjoon shakes his head. "I won't ever forget about my promises, but this time I can't fulfill it.. Please take care of our Jiyeon for me.. A-And, I-I... L-Love... Y-You... T-Too.."

Namjoon's hand suddenly become weak and loose from Jimin. Seeing the doctor and nurses rushingly check on his husband after no heartbeat can be detected by the monitor. And, at that time, Jimin knows that all of these is reality and not a dreaming.

His husband left him and their child alone. When the doctor shakes his head, Jimin feel like his world and heart was broken into pieces and become all black.

I'm Sorry || Jikook {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now