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"Jungkook, what are we doing here?"

Here. The same park when Jiyeon fell from the slide at that time. And, suddenly this morning, he called Jimin asking him and Jiyeon to get dress and ready as he wants to pick them up.


"Dating?" asked Jimin.

"Appa, I want to play at the playground, please..."

Jimin kneeled down in front of his daughter. "Honey, I allowed you to play there, but promise me to be more careful while playing.. Appa doesn't want you to fall again.. Can you promise me that? Be careful and play nicely, okay?"

Jimin pulls out his pinkie and got intertwined with Jiyeon's little pinkie.

"I promise, appa.."

"Good girl.. Now, go and play, but remember your promise.." said Jimin while patting Jiyeon's hair softly.

"Yeay! Thank you appa! Bye uncle!"

A soft kiss Jimin got from his daughter before she runs to the playground and play together with some of kids there. Jimin watches her steps with a lovely smile on his lips and stand up.

"So, we can start our date now?"

Jimin stunned at Jungkook's words. He turns to his boyfriend while smiling shyly.

"Aish, what are you talking about, Jungkook..."

Jungkook laughs at Jimin's red cheeks as he felt shy now. Jungkook loves on how Jimin easily gets shy whenever he teases him.

"You cutie, come sit here.."

Jungkook asked Jimin to sit on the outdoor mat that was set up by him. Jimin put all the foods that he prepared before they came here and sit on the carpet.

"What are you doing?"

"Lay on your lap.. Is it wrong, sweetheart?"

This is the new thing that Jimin just acknowledged about Jungkook. On the first time Jimin knows his boyfriend, he looks like a cool and smart man. Jimin can feel the vibes of a CEO on him on how he walks and speaks.

But, after the proposal and they officially became a couple, he knows a new side of Jungkook that not everyone knows about it. He's actually very clingy! He loves getting affection from someone who close to him or someone who having a special relationship with him.

Jimin chuckled at that. Jungkook looks tough at outside, but actually he's the soft-hearted one inside. Jimin loves that. For him, his boyfriend looks so cute when he become clingy and needs his attention, like now. Laying on his laps at a park.

Jimin pats Jungkook's soft hair slowly. "Of course, it's not wrong, Jungkook.. Because.."

"Because you are my boyfriend now."

Everytime Jungkook mentions that boyfriend thing, Jimin become shy. He doesn't know why, but he still can't believe that he has someone now. Sometimes he wondered, did he do the right thing or what? But, Jungkook's loves and actions towards him everyday made him believe that he did the right thing.

"Who said that I'm your boyfriend?"

"Jeon Jungkook said."

Jimin smiles while both of them facing each other. There's a fresh love from their eyes everytime they look at each other. Everyone can see that.

"So, Jungkook.. Do you want to eat anything?"

"What did you bring?" asked Jungkook but still doesn't want to move from laying on Jimin's laps. It's feel so nice to him.

Jimin grabs the big container that contained the foods he prepared before coming here.

"Well, some sandwiches and watermelons.. Which one do you want?"

"I want... You?"

"You Jungkook...."

A sharp stare was given by Jimin to his boyfriend. Jungkook never been serious when they are being together. The cute stare from Jimin's eyes made Jungkook's body trembling because of laughing again.

"Okay okay.. Hmm, I want... Watermelon. It's hot now.."

With that, Jimin takes a watermelon that was cut into pieces to give to Jungkook.

"Wait. Is it sweet or not?"

"Of course it is sweet.. Why?"

"As sweet as you?" Jungkook smiles cheekily.

Tired of blushing over again, Jimin replies Jungkook's love words. "Yes, as sweet as me.. Do you want to taste it?"

"You taste it first.."

"Wh-, okay then."

Jimin takes the watermelon and feed himself. Jungkook who are sitting beside him just watches Jimin eats the watermelon while waiting for him to do his next plan.


"I've told you.. This watermelon is sweet.. As sweet as me.."

That pout. The cute pout of Jimin exist whenever he eats something delicious. Jungkook notices this habit of his boyfriend when both of them had their lunch together last time.

"Then, can I have some?"

"Really? Wait, I will take it for you.."

"No, you don't need to.."

"Why? You want to taste the sweetness from what if it's not from the watermelon.."

Jungkook sits up properly and make their face close to each other.

"From you..."

Jimin stops moving. He doesn't know what to do. No pushing or even avoiding. His face was brought closer to Jungkook by itself. Or to be more accurate, their lips is getting closer to each other.

Realizing that, Jimin closes his eyes, followed by Jungkook. Their breath can be heard from each other's ears. Jimin's hands already wrapped around Jungkook's necks when their noses already touched together. Closer and closer.

"Appa! I want ice cream!"

That scream made both of them come back to reality. Jimin turns to his daughter who is running to him quickly.

"You want an ice cream?" asked Jimin again once his daughter already in his hand while pretending like nothing happened.

Jiyeon nods.

"So, let's go and find your ice cream."

Both of them standing from sitting on the mat and started to walk away.

Suddenly, Jimin turns to Jungkook.

"Sorry, but not today, Kookie." said Jimin while winking over his boyfriend. Jimin walks away after saying that words with a naughty smile. Well, he's shy actually.

Jungkook smiles at his cute and actually naughty boyfriend. And his smile grows when he remembered back the moment when they almost kissed and suddenly interrupted by Jiyeon.


The new nickname that was given by Jungkook for him is so adorable. Jimin always come up with many ideas that he adored.

"I can't have it today, but I still have tomorrow.." said Jungkook, not knowing what is the date today.

I'm Sorry || Jikook {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now