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"Wow... The sight is still same as before..."

Jimin walks to the river as his eyes is adoring at the beautiful sight of the major river in South Korea. This is his first time coming here after he arrived from Japan. Because of all what happened these 3 days, his intention to go here was postponed, but luckily, he gets to do it today.

'He's so adorable..'

A smile carved on Jungkook's lips as he looks at Jimin with an adore look. His smile. His smile is still the same. That's the only thing that doesn't change at all. His eyes smile will make everyone near him forms a smile too. 


He's snapped. "Y-Yeah?"

"What are you doing there? You said you want to come here.."

"O-Oh yes.."

He grabs his phone before slowly walking towards the adorable man. He stands by Jimin's side, adoring the beautiful scene in front of him right now. Sometimes, he takes a glance at Jimin's face but Jimin doesn't notice him as he was so busy looking at the sight of Han River.

"I think it's been 5 years, right?"


"Yeah, you went to Japan for 5 years and of course you don't come here.. "

Jimin nods. 

"It's been 5 years too for me since I come here.."

He looks at the taller man's face with a questioned look. He's staying here, but why he said that he's not coming here for 5 years?

"5 years? Why?"

"I don't know.. It's just that I want to-"

Jungkook stopped, don't know if he's supposed to continue his words or not. He's curious what Jimin's reaction will be if he continues. So, he decides to not continue anything.

"You want to?"

"Nope, nothing.."


The two of them change their gazes back to the Han River's scenery while watching some of the visitors here.

"Do you miss this place?"


"I mean Han River was your favourite place once.. You went away to Japan for 5 years, so do you miss this place?"


"Me too.."

"What do you mean?"

"Yeah, like why should I come to this place alone? The place that full of good memories, made by you and me.."

Jimin shocked. He heard everything, but what reaction that he should give to all of these? Everything are just new for him. Many things happened since the first day he comes back to Korea.



They call each other's names at the same time.

"Let me say first." said Jungkook and he got a nod from the smaller man.

"Jimin, I've been waiting for you for about 5 years. These 5 years have been the worst years for me. I can't even take care of myself because of the guilty feeling that haunted my life since you and Jiyeon left. I still can't forgive myself because of that."

Jungkook's head bows while Jimin is staring at the road, hearing every words that comes out from the man's mouth.

"After you left, I put myself into my works deeply. I've been workaholic for 5 years. Tae always tell me to take care of myself, eat my meal and others, but I never follow his words. Why? Because I want to forget some of my memories with you and Jiyeon."

He sighs before he continues.

"I tried, but it never valid on me. I keep on remembering both of you. I always wondered when do you want to come back to Korea. And finally, both of you are here. You stand in front of me right now."

Jimin gulps as Jungkook walks and stands in front of him. Both of his hands are roaming around his body, not knowing where to put at. And as what you expect, he's actually very nervous.

'What's wrong with my heart? We are all over since 5 years ago, the why I felt something though? Jimin, you don't like him. Remember that both of you just a close friends. Control you heart, Park Jimin!'

His heart denies, but not his action.

"I missed the old us, Jimin."

"We won't be the same as before."

"But we can try."

As he said that, he comes closer to Jimin.

"We can try, Jimin.. Don't you missed me? Our memories?"

He holds Jimin's arms and pulled him closer until they can feel each other's breath. They seem to have been mesmerized by their own feelings. The closer they are, the faster their heartbeat beats.

"No Jungkook, this is not right."

Jimin pushes the taller man's body and started to walk away, but his hand was pulled by Jungkook to stop his step. 

"Why? Do you hate me that much?

"I've never hate you... You know that right.."

"Yeah I know."

"It's just that..."


He looks at Jimin's sad face, waiting for the answer.

"You still love me, right?"


"Yes, Jimin.."

"I can't. I'm sorry."


Jimin takes out a necklace from inside of his shirt and holds something small onto his fingers with a sad face.

It's a ring.

"I'm someone's fiance.."

I'm Sorry || Jikook {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now