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"I'm sorry, Jimin... I'm so sorry.."

Sorry and Jimin. These two words are the only words that mostly said by his mouth, hoping that Jimin will hear his sincere sorry. And yeah, he's not and it's not gonna happen.

He tries, tries to move on. Like what Taehyung asked for the sake of Jimin's happiness. But surely, it's not as easy as what other people said. What can he do? His phone gallery is just full with Jiyeon's and Jimin's face and he can't resist himself from looking at them. He's not gonna delete it whatever happened.

He wipes his flowing tears before he started to go the kitchen. Fridge is the first thing he approached once he reached at kitchen. He grabs an apple and when he closes the fridge's door, his eyes attracted at something served on the table.

Coffee. A cup of hot coffee that was sent by Seokjin early in this morning. Just a cup of hot coffee reminded him of Jimin. He misses Jimin's coffee. Jungkook takes the coffee and go to the balcony of his house. He takes a sip of the hot coffee while feeling the calm evening wind.

"Jimin, I want to talk to you.."

"I have many things to told you, sweetheart.."

"My little girl, uncle misses you and your appa so much dear.."

"Don't you miss me too?"



"Yes, honey.."

Jiyeon lifts his head and facing Jimin. When Jimin looks down on to face Jiyeon, he notices her eyes are brimming with tears and ready to fall in any moment. With that, Jimin pulls his little girl closer to him and rubs her back softly.

"Why are you crying, dear.. What's wrong? Tell me."

"I... I miss... I miss uncle Jungkook.."

Jimin snapped when Jiyeon mentioned about his favourite uncle. Yeah, he knows how close Jiyeon with Jungkook. Very close. Like a father and a daughter. Jiyeon never get close with strangers as fast as when she with Jungkook, including Taehyung.

"You miss uncle Jungkook?"

Jiyeon nods with her teary eyes.

"Me too, dear.. Me too.."

Yes, he can't deny that. He misses Jungkook so much, as much as how Jungkook misses him right now. How to forget someone that he thought that person was really sincere based on how the person treated him? How to forget someone who is the first person succeed to steal his heart even he once said he will never find Namjoon's replacement? No, it's never gonna be easy.

"Can we go to visit uncle?"

"No honey.. We can't.."

"But why?"

"Uncle is busy... We can't disturb him..."

That's the only reason that Jimin can give to Jiyeon when she asked about his uncle. No, Jimin can't see him now. The pain he received for about a week ago is still there.

"But, did uncle misses us?"

"Of course he did.."


Jimin nods while smiling after he saw a sweet smile from his daughter. He loves the dimples of Jiyeon when she's smiling. He pats along Jiyeon's long hair softly. She's the only treasure he has now, and she will always be, forever.

"Now, let's sleep.. We have a thing to do tomorrow, right?"


"Aish.. Don't you feel happy for tomorrow?"

"I am, appa!"

"Good! So, let's sleep so you will have energy for tomorrow.. It will be a long journey for us.."

"Okay.. Appa, goodnight.."

"Goodnight too, honey.."

Jiyeon snuggles to Jimin's side as her appa tighten their hug. Jimin pulls up the blanket to cover up their body. Both of them closes their eyes, sleeping peacefully. But definitely, not for Jimin. His heart aches when Jungkook's name was mentioned. A person he used to love now is the same person he doesn't want to meet anymore.


"Tae.. Don't make that face..."

"Why shouldn't I? You and Jiyeon will leave me soon.."

Taehyung pouts with arms crossed on his chest. After this, he will be alone. No Jimin or Jiyeon anymore. Both of these cuties will leave him for a long time. That's why he sad.


"Yeah, I know.. It's good for you.."

"Thank you for understanding.."

Jimin smiles to his bestfriend, felt thankful to him. There's too many things that Jimin wants to say thanks to Taehyung. Because of him, he gets to his cheerful self back. All thanks to his support and courage. But for now, this is the best decision he can make.

For Taehyung, of course he feels sad. But, these all for Jimin's happiness. He knows that Jimin needs his time and space to clear out his mind after the bad incident happened weeks ago. He knows how broken Jimin's heart is. He witnessed all the tears from Jimin every night. So, he thinks this is best decision for Jimin.

"I hope you will be okay when you get back here.."

"I hope so..."

Taehyung kneels down to Jiyeon. He pats her soft hair while his lips is carving a sweet smile. He gets another sweet smile for this little girl.

"Take care of your appa, okay? Make sure he's healthy and behave."

"Ai ai, uncle!"

"Good girl.."

Taehyung stands up back.

"I can't be here for so long.. I need to help our staff.."

"Then it's okay.. Just go, Tae.."

"Take care of yourself and Jiyeon, bestie.."

"You too.."

"Don't forget to call me once you arrived.."

"I won't."

"So.. Bye both of you.. Bye Jiyeon!"

"Bye bye, uncle!"

Taehyung walks away from with a smile at the sight of this happy family. Both of them have the sweetest he's ever seen. He's happy for them.

"Come, let's go honey.."

I'm Sorry || Jikook {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now