⁘Chapter 6⁘

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Mridula froze and turned around to face Aravind.

"What do you mean?" Mridula frowned, Aravind sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Look, I have to be honest." Aravind gathered up his courage once more. "I'm attracted to you,"

Mridula nodded and began to wonder about her own feelings. She appreciated Aravind being there for her and supporting her in every argument against Shree, and his looks were a great bonus. Out of the blue, Shreyas's smirking face appeared in her thoughts. Dismissing that odd thought, she bit her lip.

"I'm not sure." She spoke, at last, Aravind nodded with an understanding expression.

"I get it, take your time." He shrugged and threw his empty Starbucks cup into the recycling bin.

"I think Shreyas stay a bit longer than two months." Aravind broke the awkward silence between them.

"Really? Why would you say that?" Mridula was honestly curious, she drained the last bits of her coffee.

"I mean he'll be going through surgery, I assume that there will be an immense amount of pain-" Aravind frowned thoughtfully, Mridula gestured for him to continue. "He'll need professional help to get through that smoothly."

"Well, we can always direct him to painkillers." Mridula countered, Aravind grinned knowing this was going to become a debate.

"Well, his shoulder is a special case." Aravind pointed out the large flaw in Mridula's make-shift plan. "Pain-killers could worsen his condition."

"Would you look at that?" Mridula laughed, Aravind was puzzled. He followed Mridula's gaze and saw the hospital towering over them.

"Well, thanks for the break." A sigh of vexation broke off Mridula's lips, she smiled at Aravind when she added. "I'd have died in there, I really needed that break."

"No problem." Aravind raised his hands in a motion of surrender. "You win the debate."

Mridula let out a laugh before entering the Polio Prevention Wing, which was scattered with guards for Shreyas's security. She frowned when she noticed that a few things were out of place, making a mental note to move it all back, she approached the room Shreyas was staying in.

Mridula caught the end of Shreyas's sentence when she opened the door. "-Shut it, Pant." Shreyas's voice chuckled.

"Just saying dude, I could become the permanent captain." Another male voice replied jokingly, Shreyas let out a bark of laughter.

"Hey," Shreyas nodded an acknowledgment to Mridula, who'd entered with a clipboard. She returned the greeting with a grunt and flipped through the pages of her clipboard.

"Hi," The voice from earlier spoke from behind her, she turned around with a mildly surprised look. She'd assumed that Shreyas was on the phone once more, after all he was on the phone 24/7.

The guy who spoken earlier was fresh-faced. He had chocolate brown eyes, that were startlingly similar to Alia's. There were reminisce of a shaved beard, he was dressed in a blue jacket that gave him away as a fellow cricket player. It had a 'DC Capitals' logo on its right pocket.

"Rishabh," He held his hand out for a shake, and Mridula obliged.

"Mridula, Mridula Sharma." She responded, Shreyas raised his eyebrows in question.

"And here I thought you weren't very social." He snickered, but Rishabh had an apt reply.

"Perhaps, she prefers talking to more mannered people." Rishabh shot back with a look that told Mridula he was trying to control his laughter.

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