⁘Chapter 31 ⁘

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Shreyas's POV


I was glad to be back, Mridula was nestled in my arms while the end credits of the movie played. She kissed my cheek and excused herself to put the popcorn bowl away, I followed behind like a dutiful puppy. She hummed to herself and put the bowl inside the sink, I wrapped my arms around her waist, hugging her from behind. I rested my chin on her shoulder and watched her wash the popcorn bowl.

"I didn't know watching me wash dishes was so fascinating," She said, sarcasm dripping off her words. I'd put my phone on silent, by now, everyone knew that there was a .001% chance that I'd respond if I was with Mridula. 

"I'm bored, again," I complained, and she raised an eyebrow.

"We just watched a movie," She pointed out with a sigh.

"I'm still bored," I retorted and plopped down on the couch, she rolled her eyes before scrolling through her phone. 

"Can I ask you something?" Mridula chewed on her lip, I frowned but agreed.

"Well, I talked to a friend, and she thinks that you're just using me-" Mridula started but was cut off by my laughter.

"Does she know how hard it was to get you to date me?" I doubled over.

"Whatever," Mridula chucked a pillow at me.

"Just come by the hospital tomorrow," She informed me, and I nodded. 


Kinda cute

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