⁘Chapter 7⁘

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"So, you up to anything this weekend?" Rishabh slipped in the question casually, Shreyas had adopted the identity of the third wheel.

"Yeah," Mridula shrugged and stared at the monitor in front of her. Shreyas hid a grin at the plain rejection.

"Just hanging out with Aravind," Mridula added to explain herself, and Rishabh nodded. Shreyas's grin faded at the mention of Aravind.

"You ready for surgery?" Mridula looked away from her screen, at last, Shreyas shook his head in agreement.

"Well, let's get you prepped." Mridula closed the laptop and Rishabh stood up from his seat.

"See you later, dude." Rishabh waved before turning his back to Shreyas and Mridula.

"Good luck on the game," Mridula smiled, Rishabh grinned right back, making Shreyas's blood boil with hatred. Shreyas winced when he shifted his weight onto the opposite shoulder, Mridula steadied him.

"Alright, I'll just wheel your bed to the room." She instructed slowly and carefully, this was something she'd done many times before. Shreyas could see her confidence in her skills, and he allowed himself to ease. Manoj ran up to him, he had a Delhi Capitals shirt on, which made Shreyas bite back a smile. Shreyas had gifted the jersey to him the day before his operation.

"Bhaiya, meri surgery ho gai!" Manoj beamed, but Shreyas noticed he was a little pale and his bright eyes were slightly droopy.

"That's great, Shreyas is going for his right now," Mridula smiled sweetly at the nine-year-old.

"Really?" Manoj's eyes widened, they were as big as plates.

"Yep," Shreyas popped the 'p' in the word and gestured toward his shoulder.

"Can I watch you play cricket when you're all better?" Manoj was bouncing up and down with excitement, and Shreyas nodded.

"He can heal only if you'll let him have his surgery." Mridula rolled her eyes, and a chuckle escaped Shreyas's lips. Manoj side-stepped allowing Mridula to wheel the bed toward the operating room.

"What do you eat! You're so heavy." He heard Mridula breathe quietly, Mridula continued muttering unknowingly that Shreyas was listening to her.

"Blame my mom, she's the one who feeds me." Shreyas couldn't help but retort, and Mridula froze surprised that he'd heard her. The rest of the journey to the operation room was silent, except for the squeaking of the bed's wheels. Shreyas stifled a yawn, knowing that the drug she'd given him a few minutes earlier was making its way through his system.

His eyelids began to droop shut, and he didn't force himself awake. Trusting Mridula, that it was all a part of the process. Mridula on the other hand was in the zone. When they reached the room, Rakesh and Aravind had been waiting for her.

Aravind gently adjusted the light with a small push, so that its rays would fall on Shreyas's left shoulder. The swelling had gone down significantly, but the thing to fix was Shreyas's dislocated shoulder. Aravind gently started to maneuver Shreyas's shoulder, trying to adjust the awkward position it was in. One of Shreyas's nerves on the left shoulder was damaged, the surgery was to repair it. Mridula took a deep breath, knowing what was coming next. The nurse, Priya, was taking Shreyas's blood pressure, temperature, and heart rate. They knew it would be normal, but taking precautions as necessary.

Aravind was the best surgeon in the hospital, he smiled reassuringly at Mridula before setting to work. There was a time when Mridula was horrified seeing blood, but she'd passed those stages. The Surgery was a complete blur in time, she couldn't recall the details of it at all.

Shreyas woke up to a blinding amount of pain.

"Ow," He croaked, startling the life out of Mridula who was talking with Aravind. Her shoulders had jerked up, and Aravind had a scalpel in his hand, which he set back down.

"How're you feeling?" Aravind pulled off his white gloves and strode toward Shreyas.

"Crappy," Shreyas muttered under his breath, making the two doctors laugh.

"That's one way to describe it." Mridula rolled her eyes with disbelief, and Aravind shook his head.

"That's the perfect description," He agreed with Shreyas, usually having surgery could do that to you. It was bloody painful, Your body felt numb and tingly. Which was an odd feeling, kind of like having someone dump ice into your shirt while your drinking steaming hot coffee. Gautam, who was the anesthesiologist for the operation chuckled quietly. Lila, was the registered anesthetist nurse brought over some pain remover. Shreyas swallowed the tablet with ease, pretending it was just another snack. Which was hard to, because the taste was very bitter.

Aravind whispered something to Mridula who nodded, Aravind left soon after. Shreyas watched the events with a mistrusting gaze.

"Dude, stop glaring at Aravind." Rakesh hissed under his breath so that only Shreyas could hear him, Shreyas grunted. Rakesh rolled his eyes at the jealousy levels of Shreyas, Aravind returned with Manoj. Shreyas's glaring features softened a little, he realized that Aravind was a genuinely good guy.

"Bhaiya! Aravind bhai told me that your operation is done!" Manoj bounded up to Shreyas with surprising speed. Shreyas smiled, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw Aravind and Mridula joking around. Aravind cracked a stupid doctor pun, to which Mridula responded by rolling her eyes.

"Do you like Mridula didi?" Manoj asked randomly, making Rakesh spit his water out...and onto Shreyas's jacket.

"You're paying for the dry cleaning." Shreyas turned his pointed glare at Rakesh, who shrugged sheepishly.

But on the back of Shreyas's mind, a nagging doubt lurked.

Are Mridula and Aravind dating?


Do check the cast once more! There's a little treat for you on there.

Tell me what ur opinion is on Aravind and the person who's acting as Aravind (Ashwin Kumar)

Also, should I keep writing this book in third person POV?

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