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It had been two months since Y/N had passed away. Two months since Jungkook had said goodbye to her and told her how he felt about her. Two months since the final showdown with Dr. Kai.

After he had left Y/N in the care of Oceana and the sirens, he and the other members immediately reported what Dr. Kai had done to them and how he violated the restraining order that they had made against him. The good thing about it as well was that the family who had tried to help Jungkook out on the boat came forward as witnesses to confirm what Dr. Kai had done and after convincing the guard who had worked for Dr. Kai that he would be paid a great deal of money more than what Dr. Kai was paying him then he came around and became a witness as well.

Dr. Kai was put away for a long time and this time there wasn't going to be a bail set. He was going to be serving many years in jail this time.

A thorough sweep of any research that Dr. Kai had perhaps kept hidden was looked for as well and erased permanently without any way to recover it. That meant that all of his research on mermaids and sirens was gone. Articles that had contained his research were also taken off of news sites. Information about mermaids was old news and after cleaning the internet of Dr. Kai's website of all of his research, it was as if the sighting of mermaids became nonexistent. Nobody seemed to talk about mermaids either.

The only talk and gossip was about Dr. Kai and more importantly the awful treatment he did to the members and Jungkook. ARMY, of course, were all up in arms about it. Even the hashtag #DrKaiisCancelled started trending worldwide on the internet. Many fans felt that Dr. Kai was being let off easy with life imprisonment, but many were just glad that Dr. Kai was somewhere where he could no longer hurt the members.

Over the course of the two months, Jungkook did his best to keep a positive mindset and move on from what had happened, but it was hard. The girl that he loved was gone. He was never going to see her again or talk to her again or hug her again or kiss her again. But the one thing that truly hurt him the most was the fact that the moment he finally got to tell her his feelings she was already gone by then.

He had spent days, weeks staring at the necklace that he had bought for her. Surprisingly enough, when Oceana and the sirens had rescued the other members they had brought back the necklaces that he and Namjoon had bought still intact and not damaged at all.

Namjoon had previously chosen not to give the necklace that he bought for Oceana to her, but with the members' persuasions he decided that he would. He even admitted to liking her. Oceana had been so surprised by the gift and Namjoon's feelings for her that she started crying. Oceana had felt guilty, thinking that it was wrong for her to be happy with Namjoon when Y/N and Jungkook ended up not being together, but Jungkook assured her that it was fine and that he was happy for both her and his hyung. Not too surprising after, Oceana and Namjoon had begun seeing each other more often and going on little dates here and there despite the negative reactions of the other sirens and the siren leader. Yoongi evidently became more reasonable towards Oceana and had accepted her, but they still sassed each other here and there.

It surprised Jungkook that Oceana after one month had seemed to recover from the death of her friend, but she had told him that she and the other sirens brought Y/N's body to the moon pool to honour her and give her a goodbye ceremony in a way. She knew that there was nothing to bring back her friend, but she also knew that Y/N wouldn't have wanted her to grieve her death for the rest of her life. She reminded Jungkook that Y/N wouldn't have wanted him to grieve her death for the rest of his life either and that although it was hard to let her go, she would always still remain in their hearts.

It definitely took time, but Jungkook knew that Oceana was right. Y/N hadn't saved his life just for him to wallow and be depressed forever, she would have wanted him to live his life to the fullest and to be happy. He had only hoped that she was in a better place now, somewhere where she could be happy and watch over him. He hoped that wherever she was now, she had heard him confess his feelings and that it made her smile wide.

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