Chapter 34

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Alex's POV:

Things have been a bit better. Laf, herc, and Peggy helped clean my room because Mrs. Washington always says a clean room = a healthy mind. She's somewhat right. They hid all sharp objects like I'm some kind of toddler but it's helpful. I appreciate them. Texting John helped too. I'm just really happy he's safe and will be in my arms again soon.

"Alex, sweetie, do you want to come down for dinner? I made your favorite." Mrs. Washington says from outside my door. I smile softly to myself and open the door. "Sure." I say quietly and we walk downstairs together.

I grab my plate of lasagna and sit down at the table, Mrs. Washington bringing over a jar of lemonade. I thank her and Mr. Washington speaks up. "Son, I've been meaning to ask," he starts, "do you want to go back to school soon? I know you've been going through something but it might be a good idea to guarantee you get into the college of your choice."

I nod at him and take a bite of my food. "I've been thinking about that, too. I'm gonna go back Monday. Sound good?" Mrs. Washington smiles from across the table and Mr. Washington nods, a proud look on his face.

We're in the middle of talking politics when I hear a knock on the door. "Be right back," Mrs. Washington says, answering it. I hear muffled talking so I assume it's a Girl Scout or one of those Mormons or something.

Until I feel arms wrap loosely around my neck from behind my chair.

I jump at the sudden contact and turn around.
"John!?" I shout, jumping out of my seat before I could even finish saying his name. He pulls me into the tightest hug and I clench onto the back of his shirt.

"Martha, let's leave them to it." Mr. Washington announces but I don't even register it I just hug John even tighter. He rests his chin on top of my head and pulls me closer than I thought a person could be.

Everything washes over me at once. The past three weeks without him, the cutting, the nonexistent motivation, the worry if he was okay, if he'd come back, everything. I just clutch to him and start crying into his chest. Apologizing softly when I get his hoodie wet.

"I've missed you." He finally speaks up, his voice soft and calm but I can tell he wants to cry too. "I've missed you so much, Alex. So, so much." This doesn't help the flow of my tears but I finally pull back, to look at him.

"Johnny...." I say, lifting my hand up so I can touch a bruise on the side of his cheek. He flinches lightly when I reach my hand up so I quickly pull it down. "Shit, I'm sorry.." I mutter, knowing oh too well why he's flinching. He shakes his head and kisses my forehead, telling me it's okay.

"Oh, um, do you need anything? Food? Mrs. Washington made, something to drink, maybe?" He chuckles at me and shakes his head. "I'm okay. Can I use your shower though?" I nod quickly and get on my tiptoes to give him a proper kiss. Something I've wanted to do for three weeks.

He hesitates at first, thinking something, but then puts his hands on my cheeks softly and kisses me back. We pull back after a while and I smile at him earning a smile back. We just enjoy each others company for two, maybe three minutes, until I let him slip away to take a shower.

I can't believe he's here with me.

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