Chappy 24 - TAKE IT!!!!

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You peeked inside the regular room that Sadie just opened. There was no one inside the room but it looked quite clean, it had nice furniture too. There was a black couch with white and red pillows on and it was facing a coffee table. In the middle of the room was a desk, it was very neat.

"Uumm, what am I supposed to be looking at exactly?" you asked Sadie. Sadie sighed.

"Zalgo it's me and the new girl, come out already." Sadie said annoyed.

All of the sudden there was a fucking weird ass monster shit in front of you. You backed away confused of where he can from. You ran to the couch and jumped on it, shielding yourself from the horror.

"The fuck are you!!!" You asked the weird thing.

It was black and red and didn't really seem to be human what so ever. He or it had horns and extra mouths every where. You suddenly realized you were sitting on something. You looked down to see a doll, it had sharp teeth and looked like it was trying to get you off of it. You picked it up and looked at it.

"The fuck are you?" you asked the weird thing.

"I'm Tails Doll, now, let me go!!!" Tails said punching at your hand.

"Okay, TAKE THE DAMN THING!" You yelled and threw the fox shit at Zalgo or what ever the thing was.

"Now, y/n, I know you're pretty freaked out but that does not give you the right to throw my proxys." The red Zalgo thing said.

You thought for a moment 'So they brought me here. They took me to their leader. And they made me meet a couple of people. Do they want me to stay!? They won't make me! I'll be so annoying they would want to kill themselfs.' You thought to yourself.

"Pppffft, I know your not evil I just don't like you." you said to the fox that you threw.

"What?! You don't even know me." Tails said getting mad.

"Whatever, I want some tea." you said and walked out of the room like a boss.

You didn't actually know where you were going but some fucking how you found your way back down stairs where you saw all the random people. You found a table in the middle of the room and sat down. You clapped your hands twice and shouted, "WHERE'S MY TEA?!" Out of no where Zalgo appeared and actually had a cup of tea. You took the tea and added your favorite stuff to it. Like, so much fucking suger.

You took one sip of it before throwing it at the wall in a hissy fit. Some How Zalgo didn't seem to mind. You crossed your arms and began to walk around greeting everyone.

"Hello, random person." you said and sat beside them on a one person couch so you were both awkwardly close. The dude seemed to have brown hair and green eyes which kinda reminded your of Tommy. He had peach skin and stitches on his face. He also had a scarf on with jeans and a black shirt.

"Hello." he said and looked forward to nothing. Although, he didn't look anything like him, he also reminded you of Jeff.

"Are you Jeff in disguise? Please don't tell me your Jeff in disguise." you asked and said to him.

"Don't ever compare me to that douche!" He said in a angered voice.

"Aw~ Did you get screwed over by him?" you asked not really being sympathetic.

"No ,but he is my brother-" you suddenly cut him off.


"Shut up!! I'm not like him!" He said covering his ears.

You shut up and looked at the poor dude. He seemed to actually think he was like him. You could hear him whisper to himself "I'm not like him I'm not like him" you felt kind of bad for him. He looked traumatized.  

"I'm sorry, dude, I didn't mean for you to feel like that." you told him seriously and sympathetically.

The dude seemed to suddenly calm down with your voice. He looked at you and smiled. You smiled back knowing he was better.

"I'm Liu, nice to meet you." Liu said with his smile.

"Sup, Liu, how do you do? I'm Potato" you said with a closed eye smiled. Liu gave you a funny look. You giggled and corrected yourself, "Just kidding my names y/n the potato." you said again.

Liu smiled and then you fell off the couch and rolled off to the next person. You rolled onto another couch and realized you accidentally touched someone's boob. It was a girl's boob and sadly, not a man boob. You looked at the girl, smiled, and squeezed her boob. She looked at you angered even under her mask. She had a pretty weird mask and for some reason she had a yoyo with fucking spikes all over it. Then, she smacked your hand from her chest.

"Nice to meet you." you said and giggled. The girl crossed her arms over her chest and introduced herself.

"Zalgo told me to be nice so I will and let that slide. I'm Nemeisis, nice to meet cha." she said and made a small smile.

"I'm y/n, I'm a potato" you told her with your goofy smile.

Nemeisis looked over to Liu and gave him a what the fuck face.

"Just go with it." Liu said with a shrug.

You walked away from her and moved on to the next person. He seemed to be eating candy. It was definitely a he since you could see almost his entire face. He looked at you with a lollipop in his mouth and smirked. He had a long ass nose that was on his whitish mask. He also had blue eyes, blonde hair, a blue shirt with a brown leather ( don't know if it's really leather) jacket over it and of course the same pants everybody fucking has.

"Want to sit with me? I'm Isaac Grossman." he said and patted the seat next to him.

"No, I want to stand up for fucking ever and never sit down ever a-fucking-gain. I'm
y/n." you said, rolled your eyes, and sat down next to him

The guy shrug and silently offered you a lollipop. You accept and took the lollipop.

"Lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick" you went as you licked your lollipop

"Really!?" The dude with the long ass nose said.

"YUP!!!" You said and continued.

Huh, maybe my plan won't work. These people are super nonchalant. How am I supposed to leave? You thought as your voice saddened in your mind.

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