Chapter 21

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Valeriu Point of View

"Do you really want to win?"

"Of course, who doesn't?" Saying, she moved her next pawn to trap my king. It was a good move to win a game of chess but it is also an impulsive one.

I evaded the doom smoothly and attacked the heart of her formation. When the formation is broken, the king gets unsteady.

"You can't win everything, Veira. No matter how strong you are, there is always someone who is stronger than you. That is how universe runs." Under the guise of the chess game, I gave the piece of advice she needs the most.

The way she handled Fuller was magnificent. She was brilliant when she crafted the whole thing against them and escaped narrowly but I don't support what she did completely.

It was what she should do at the time of crisis, agreed but that also raised the chance of getting exposed to the larger community.

"Taking out the king out of the game is the only way to end the game. A game of chess has no middle way; it's either a win or lose."

"Agreed! But which king are you targeting?" I observed her next move which left her king unarmed. It was risky move when you don't have many guards.

Taking the chance, my next move ended the game with a checkmate and her king is killed by my queen.

"If you put too much attention on killing my king, yours would get killed instead. A king is a king but he is still a pawn on the board that moves as the player wants. Why do you want to give a pawn the power of making decisions for the player? If you want to keep a powerful pawn under check, then you will have to do it using another powerful pawn. That way the pawns will not know that they are being played by someone else. After all, chess is a battlefield on which pawns don't know that they are not the leader of their fates."

I hope she gets the message I'm trying to give her. Veira is undoubtedly a brilliant person when dealing with her enemies but she is still young to understand other sides of a cube.

By putting Christopher Fuller and the king against each other she can definitely get what she wants but it should be done in such a way that she can never be on the receiving end in the last.

'What is our mate talking about? I didn't understand him.' It was Dea who woke up from dead after one whole day.

Must be the affect of silver or the tension she took for the past few days. Anyhow, I'm happy she's back. She's my favorite!

'I understand. He is right. Even if I'm putting the union and the king against each other for my own purpose, I shouldn't do it openly.'

Ah ha! You got it! See, my mate is a smart little smootie butt!

'Fine, fine, fine. Goddess knows what you mean. Tomorrow is full moon, remember?' Full moon? Is it important?

'Right. We will have to shift and worship the Goddess, I almost forgot.'

'Now that we have a mate, we should include him in the worship.' How will you do that Dea? Are you planning to reveal yourself to me?

'How are you going to do that?' Exactly my point!

'By revealing our identity, of course. Our mating love story is going too slow. If it were someone else, then they would've gotten pregnant with their first child by now. So I decided to reveal our identity and pursue our future together without any fear.'

I don't mind! It's just that apart from Veira's insecurities, I'm concerned about Dea's abnormality.

I've never seen an animal's mindset such as hers. She is completely a new syndrome to me.

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