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When I woke up I had no idea as to why everyone was soo silent and why the evil witch of the west was glaring at me. What did I even do? Did I say something in my sleep?

Now I wish I hadn't woken up at all coz even Max seemed to be in a very bad mood. What the heck happened when I was asleep? and why didn't I hear anything? Did something really happen or are they just acting?

Who should I talk to first? hmmm? It's a tough decision to make. It was either D or Max, but Max was like the hulk right now so I'll just let him cool down before I talk to him or even go near him.

D saw that I was now fully awake and aware of the tension brewing inside this closed space, any sane person could sense it, so he got up from his seat and joined me. He knew that I would want to know.

"What happened D? Why is the witch sitting there so quietly? and why is he being the Hulk?" I whisper asked him quietly.

"Even I don't know what actually happened babydoll. He was all ok till we left the beach, and then all of a sudden he was shouting at her for being clingy and dense," he told me in a quiet voice.

"So, you mean to say, she is the reason behind this?" I asked back as quietly as possible. It was impossible for the both of us to keep our voices down. We were the loudest in any room.

"Maybe, maybe not. Ever since she got here, she has been trying to get inside his pants or so what he said when he was shouting at her"

"He said what!!!" I shouted shocked, half jumping from my seat. Shit! So much for being quiet.

"Shhh.... sit down you idiot, and be quiet," D shushed me, tugging me back while nervously looking at Max. Nobody wanted to face him when he was angry, even I knew that. I had heard from Sabrina that he gets very mean when he is angry, which isn't very often.

"Ok, ok sorry. What did he actually say? and most importantly when did this happen? I didn't even hear it." I said back almost apologetically. I didn't want him to get into trouble.

"You must have been exhausted and you were also wearing those sound canceling things I got you. Anyways, she must have said something to get him all rilled up because he said that there was no way he could date someone like her. He had been trying to avoid all her advances for a very long time. She is a childhood friend, he didn't want to upset her. But now, he told her straight out that he liked someone else and some other mean things that I don't think you want to hear. " D explained.

"He likes someone, do you know her?" I asked quietly. It was painful to even get the words out let alone thinking that. I shouldn't feel anything towards him but the silly girl I am, I thought he liked me. I know he likes me, maybe just not romantically.

"Never heard him talk about anyone from a very long time, and I am his best friend. Either he lied to her or he is keeping something from me." D said.

"Anyways, buckle up. We would be landing anytime soon now." He gave a pat to my leg and left to join his boyfriend.

It was a very interesting turn of events, which eventually put the witch in her place, but if Max shouted at her then why is she still glaring at me? I was in no way involved in what happened with her but then I felt a little bad for her as nobody wanted to face the wrath of the King. The mean Max King.

Should I talk to him? or I shouldn't? If he like someone, why was he being this close to me? Did he lie to get rid of her? Was he talking about me? If he was then what will I do? I am soo stupid. All these questions were already giving me a headache. No matter what, I should talk to him. He is always nice to me. Hope he won't take out his anger on me.


Just as we landed back in New York, I thought of talking to Max, but when I started walking towards him, he saw me and took the car keys from the driver who was standing there waiting for us and left without a single word. Ouch, that hurt. He never avoided me like this before. What did I do? Did something possess him while we were in Hawai?

At least we had two more cars waiting for us. One was for the witch and the other one for us. She also left without much of a goodbye, which we didn't really care about. I just hope Max reaches home safely.

"Let's go, baby doll. We can talk to him tomorrow ." D said motioning me towards the waiting car.

Maybe I should wait till tomorrow. But why did he leave, I felt as if he was angry with me, was he? Or was I just imagining things?. Maybe he left to see the girl he likes. So many possibilities and no answers. Frustrating.

"He won't even pick up his damn phone," Seb let out angrily. He had been trying to call Max ever since we got in our car. He was worried about him. We all were.

Thinking that maybe he would pick up my phone, I tried calling him but it went straight to his voicemail. Sighing in disappointment I tried once more half expecting him to not answer me again but he did.

"Stop calling. I am not in the mood right now. " Was all he said without any emotion and hung up. I looked at the screen surprised at what just happened. Even before I could blink twice he had cut my call.

"D ... do you think something possessed him?" I ask, waiting for him to agree with me.

"Don't be ridiculous babydoll. He will be normal tomorrow," he laughs shaking his head. I was serious though.

Let's hope he would have cooled down by tomorrow.

M and MOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora