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"I should have tried Indian food way sooner, it's soooooo yummy." Seb groaned out whilst eating, his mouth full. He sure was enjoying himself.

"What do you call it again?" That was Max.

"It's called Paratha. Actually, it's Aloo ka Paratha. Aloo being the potato here." I replied smugly. I was enjoying this moment, trying to soak in the praise.

The guys were worried about being poisoned by me, even after soo many days. I was a good cook but they never admit it. It would just inflate my ego they say.

"Why haven't you ever made these at home? Hmm?. And here I was doing all the cooking whereas you, you deprived me of this until now. " D accused pointing his paratha roll at me.

"Don't be a baby D, you never asked, so I never cooked. Simple." I simply said, trying to be sassy, while jutting out my hip to one side and placing my hand on it.

I could totally play a bitch.

"Ahaa, no. You can never play a bitch, babe. No, no. I know that look. You can't even slap someone or even me for that matter." D replied after taking a look at me but still stuffing his face.

He is here to shatter my dreams. He can read my mind and my face. There wasn't even a need to ask him, as to how did he guess. He always knows, what I am thinking. And he is wrong I could totally hit him, I just need a reason and motivation.

I had to wait for them to finish their work for about 4 more hours, so I waited for them but not with them, mind you. They were robots when it comes to working, so I was sitting with Sabrina. Max's another secretary and she is definitely not a witch. Ha. Sabrina the witch. It was a poor joke, but still.

That was literally the first sentence that comes out of my mouth when D introduced me to her. And not to say, at that moment I wished I had a filter to my mouth.

I have had so many jokes about her name that if I didn't comment on her name, every time I met her, she automatically thinks that something is wrong.That was in the past now, I was running out of jokes.

That being said, we were kind of good friends and her friends were my friends as well. The girls were cool and they would invite me too every time they went out. It was really nice of them.

As I was not supposed to be talking to anyone else in this office other than Sabrina, so it left me no other option but to sit and eat her head.

"Why is it that you always get lunch for them but not for me?" was how she always greeted me.

"Oh, you know coz they are handsome boys and you are not," I said flipping my hair behind my back and raising my chin in the air. I was trying to act like an arrogant brat.

"You know we do this every day, but you never seem to get it right," she replied shaking her head in disappointment.

"I am quite offended you see, you will tarnish my name. " she continued.

"Come on, I did exactly how you showed me last time" I whined, stomping.

"Are you sure you have matured, enough?" she questioned, observing my behavior, maintaining a straight face. 

And I stopped doing whatever I was doing at that moment and stood up straight. I am childish sometimes.

"You are soo mean to me," I complained while leaving her desk.

"And this is how you do it, a straight face and rough talk. Whereas you, sweetheart have a sweet face while you talk. You can NOT be a bitch like that, babe." she tapped my nose and started walking ahead of me.

We were going to the break room. This was our daily routine, whenever I was here that is, and it was her break after all. I spend half of my lunch with the guys then half of the lunch with her. Then if they were busy, I would spend the rest of the day at her desk.

This way I could spend time with all of them. It was a win-win.

As we made a beeline to enter the lunch cum munch room as I called it, someone literally just ran into us even when we were going in the same direction. What is it with people colliding with me today?.

"Hey, watch where you are going, douchebag" she barked, turning towards the person.

Whoa, thank god, I was not the one at the receiving end of her glare. She is scary when she wants to be.

"Oh, thank god for it's only you," I said, relieved when I saw who It was.

"Sorry babe, I just finished my work and I know you don't like It when I am late so I kind of ran here," Nathan said whilst scratching the back of his neck.

He was such a polite lad. And he was totally the opposite of Sabrina.

"It's ok baby, I am just happy to see you." came her sweet reply. She melted like a cube of ice whenever Nathan was around. After all, he was her boyfriend.

And I am happy to say that I was the one who played cupid, not only me but D as well but it doesn't matter. I was the mastermind behind this.

These two used to flirt left and right, every single day in front of me but never commented on their feelings.

So I and D came up with a plan and now see, how happy they both are. Jealousy is such a strong feeling, it can make you do things that you never thought of doing. That was what we used, to make them confess. It was really nerve-wracking but it was fun to watch them go crazy like that. me and D had fun while it lasted.

"Hey Nat, long time no see." I greeted him cheekily, waving from where I was standing behind Sabrina.

"Yo shorty, came to meet me?" he questioned wiggling his eyebrows and grinning. He looked damn funny.

And then he proceeded to put one arm around his girlfriend's waist and one around my shoulder, putting me in a headlock, and then started pulling me along the way.

Both of them were mean to me, given the couple's height, they bullied me at every chance they got.

"Hey! let go of me Nat," I exclaimed grumbling, trying to get out of his strong snake like grip.

"No can do shorty no can do," He tutts whistling to himself and continued dragging me.

"'Baby, stop playing with the child," Sabrina coos like the witch she is, enjoying my state. 

Now that they are committed, Nathan flirted with me, irritated me, that is whenever he wanted to tease me. And his girlfriend, was all for it. She was affecting him in more ways than possible. He was such a sweet shy guy when I met him and now he was the devil himself.

She was a bad influence on him. Not like the bad, bad kind. I mean that she is bringing a different personality from him altogether. Which is good for him I think but not for me. He is taking revenge for all the things I did before they became a couple. Though they were my good friends, their food doesn't go down their throat until and unless they are mean to me.

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