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"I think you don't understand what I said," He stated harshly, cornering me in the hallway leading to my bedroom. I had nowhere to escape.

"I ...I" I stuttered, his closeness was affecting my mind, I could feel his body heat. Why does my mind shut off on its own, whenever he is close? But he was actually close, too close.

And my stupid inner voice was telling me to kiss the heck out of him. I would just have to lean a little bit and I would be kissing him.

"You are mine and nobody else's!" he commanded, his right hand holding the back of my neck, leaving no room for discussion. He started to lean in slowly as I closed my eyes and waited.


"F**k" I screamed and jolted awake as I felt icy cold water being poured all over me.

I could hear snickering and I bloody knew who it was, even when I couldn't see with all the hairs on my face, which was preventing me from giving him a death glare. This is the second time he ruined my dream.

As I pulled all my hair away from my face, he stopped laughing. Gritting my teeth to hold myself from screaming, I breathed heavily through my nose like an angry bull. I looked up slowly with a murderous glint in my eyes which was enough to scare him, as he backed up slowly.

 He knew he was as good as dead now. I slowly started leaning toward my bedside table to grab the glass of water I kept there. And the moron saw through my plan and tried moving slowly towards the door, inching away from me. But bad luck for him, he had to move across the room to reach the door.

Being fast, like a ninja Hatori, I picked up the glass and threw the water along with the glass might I add, at him. The glass hit him in the middle of his chest, wetting him first. He screeched like a girl and jumped back from cold. And D being D fell back flat on his ass. What a way to start my day.

Ok, for your clarification, that glass was made up of plastic cum fiber, not the actual glass, glass. I wasn't that mean. I had broken many glasses in my sleep so D had bought me this one. He was safe from me. But he was harmful to himself even without my involvement.

It was dead silent for 10 seconds before I burst out laughing after processing what the actual heck happened.

"Hahahahahahahah...oh my god." I just couldn't stop laughing. He is so stupid he couldn't even plan properly. I wish I had a camera.

"Oh God!, Oh God!, I think I broke something. Oh, my poor bum." He groaned painfully while still lying on his back. I still hadn't stopped laughing and my stomach has started to hurt now. He was whining, with every little body movement.

"Hahaha... hahaha... oh god..." For the life of me, I couldn't stop.

"Ahem," someone cleared their throat and considering we were always alone at home and also we didn't hear anyone come inside, so we eventually came to a stop and turned to see who it was.

Seb and Max, both were standing near the door, watching the situation or may I say the groaning man and I think they were deciding whether to laugh or be concerned. But I could see them trying hard to contain their laughter. Their lips pinched together, shoulders shaking. Anyone would tell they were trying their best not to laugh.

"Stop being such a wuss. You know karma is a bitch." I said after a while, he just stuck his tongue out like a sour child. And I did the same.

Seb went to help D, trying not to laugh at his boyfriend and with the fun part being over I tried to get my little old self off of the bed as my best was also wet. The water was everywhere, I had to be careful otherwise my fate would be just like D.

Getting up from the bed, I saw my pillow resting peacefully on the ground in the puddle of water.

"Oh my baby, what are you doing there, I missed you so much! You are not hurt, right? How did you end up there? Come I'll take you to bed." I cooed to my pillow and continued dusting it, unaware of my surroundings.

"Are you talking to your pillow?" asked an amused voice behind me, scaring the heck out of me, and me being like my roommate turned around surprised, and slipped. At least I knew that I would end up on my bed.

As you know, Max being the hero in my story, caught me in time but what for? We both ended up on my bed. Just as I predicted, but he was also on top of me, which I didn't predict. The universe sure loved me a lot.

It was as if the time had stopped because I don't know for how long we were in the same position. I sure wanted to get up, but at the same time wanted to stay there forever. He looked so fresh and so handsome.

My breathing was all ragged from such closeness and the sudden fall, I had almost stopped breathing. He had such beautiful eyes that I could just keep looking and never get tired. He had such dark intense blue eyes that could cut through your soul. 

He then pushed the hair from my neck as his face slowly started to descend towards me, the action itself made my heart go crazy, or was it his heart? I didn't know, but I couldn't think clearly anymore. Everything was so cloudy.

Thinking of possible scenarios that could happen was also not possible because my mind was jumbled. Maybe this was also a dream. I never thought I would be in this type of situation with anyone, not until I am married at least.

"You need to breathe, baby" he whispered, his voice giving me goosebumps and his sinful lip trailing kisses down the side of my neck. I gulped, the air stuck in my throat. This was such a position where I wanted to moan out loud, but I had to bite my lip just to stop that from escaping and embarrassing myself. The only thing I couldn't control was my heart. My heart was going bat shit crazy.

Max must have felt it coz he started to get up from his current position, leaving me breathless with what he had just done. He pulled me up with a single tug and sighed heavily stepping away from me, creating distance between us.

"I think I should stop before you die of a heart attack," he said half amused, half disappointed, and helped me get up from my bed.

"I.., um thank you," I said not knowing how to react.

"I'll be with the guys, get ready and come out, we planned something," he informed me, kissing me on my forehead and then leaving the room. I stood still and stared at his retreating figure.

Okay, this was something new. He was definitely being touchy with me, considering how much he has been touching me since yesterday, this shouldn't come to me as a surprise. But the ease I felt with him in just 2 days was something to think about and I didn't mind it either. Strange.

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