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The lunch was wonderful, except for the man who had steam coming off his ears now. Apparently, Ross wanted to rile Max up, even more than he already was. I tried stopping him from his own doom, but he ignored my attempts and continued to flirt with me, even touching my hand, 'by accident'.

He wanted to see how much more it would take Max to blow up, but thank the Lord for James, the cutie he is, he distracted everyone at the right time. I know everyone else knew what was going on but still choose to ignore it.

When it was time to watch the next movie, Ross decided to ask James whether if he wanted to sit next to him, but he declined the offer saying that he didn't want me to be alone. Awww, He is such a sweetheart.

"Hey, Ross. Why don't you and Max cuddle up together? You won't feel so alone then." Derek exclaimed excitedly as if it was a great idea.

I was trying hard to suppress my laughter, but a snort left me when I saw Max's head snapping towards D, giving him a murderous glare. Even Ross was looking at D as if he lost his mind and grew two heads.

Oh, God! I couldn't control myself when a certain image of Max and Ross cuddling, popped up in my mind. Just imagine Ross's head nestled in Max's neck and purring like a cat. I tried soo hard to cover my laughter with fake coughs but it wasn't fooling anyone.

"Oh, yes yes. Then we all would be like couples ." James said excitedly, jumping on his seat and looking at both Ross and Max. It was at that time I couldn't control myself and I started laughing. Hard. And everyone joined, except James and Max.

James because he didn't understand the situation and well Max, Max was just grumpy.

"Why are you guys laughing?. " James asked confusion lacing his voice.

"Oh nothing James, Maxy here doesn't want to sit with Ross, he likes sitting with Mahi though". Seb says, ruffling James's hair.

"Oh. But Mahi is my girlfriend," He says innocently in his cute voice "She can't sit with someone else but me."

That made everyone laugh even more, but this time, a 7-year-old was stating a claim on me.

"The kid got some moves, man. You should learn something from him," Seb said amused, nudging Max with his elbow.

Max gruntled annoyed. I had to distract them now before Max gets any more grumpy than he already is. "Ok, guys enough. Let's watch the movie now." I announced adjusting myself.

James being the most eager one sat quietly next to me, his eyes on the screen. 15 minutes into the movie, I felt someone standing behind us.

"Hey buddy, do you mind If I sit with you and your girlfriend," Max asks bending down so that James could hear him, but he looked at me when he used the word 'girlfriend '.

"Ok, but I'll sit next to her and you can sit next to me. She is my cuddling partner," James announced his sitting arrangements. I was already leaning against the couch for support on my left, so the only space left was to my right, which James was occupying.

Max picked up James and placed him on his lap "How about you sit on my lap so we both get to cuddle with her" he said, sitting next to me now.

James was more familiar with Max than me, so he didn't mind. He just shrugged, leaned happily onto Max, as if he was a couch, and continued watching his movie. Oh, how I wish to be in his place. It looked damn comfortable.

Taking advantage of the sitting condition now, Max scooted closer to me, whispering in my ear, "Do I have to compete with a kid for you now?"

"I told you, he is handsome. You don't have anything against him." I muttered as quietly as possible. I didn't want to disturb anyone and didn't want anyone listening to our conversation.

"Oh really?. Baby please, you won't even resist me if I decided to kiss you, now, right at this moment." He stated smugly with a small smile on his face. We both knew it was true, but I wanted to smack that smug look off his face.

I raise my eyebrows, turning my head towards him now.

"Would you be able to resist me, if I were to kiss you now?" I asked innocently. We both knew the answer to that one.

He blinked at me, his small smirk falling off his face for split second.

"It's me baby. Not you. I am just irresistible". I said smirking with a bit of arrogance.

Where did that even come from? I said that without even stuttering. I must be getting brave.

"Is someone is getting ahead of themselves. Now, now, we wouldn't want that small head of yours to get bigger now, would we? " he says mockingly, tapping my forehead twice.

I looked his way squinting my eyes at him trying to show him my displeasure but he just chuckled and kissed me on the cheek. Then we heard a click, and then a flash went off.

My head snapped towards the sound, which came from D. He was looking at his phone smiling. He just took our picture! Was he watching us all along?. Creepy.

"D, what are you doing? " I exclaimed surprised.

"Oh, nothing I just took my phone to check something, and then... then the flash went off!" He came up with a lame excuse his eyes wide. He knew he was caught red-handed.

"Dude, send that to me. I want to see." Max interrupts us cutting to the chase. Here I was worried that everyone was listening and watching us, but he wasn't concerned at all.

"Ugh!. You guys, stop it." I scold them. I was flustered. Nobody had seen us like this before, but Max was enjoying this. He loved showing his affection towards me, especially in front of others.

James had fallen asleep on Max, sleeping peacefully, even with all this commotion. When I saw the blanket lying on his foot, I covered him up a little more. Instead of taking him inside, I decided against it. I'll let Max bear his weight for some more time, as a punishment.

Max saw this and looked down to see James sleeping on his chest comfortably. When we were both busy looking at the sleeping boy, someone clicked another photo of us.

This time it was Sabrina, "Hey!... stop it" I whisper yell, trying not to wake the child up.

"What? You guys look soo good together. " She says feigning innocence. She was anything but innocent. And she started sending that to everyone.

Even I received it, but before I could reach for my phone, Seb gushed looking at the photo.

"You guys look like a family here. Don't they babe? How cute."

"Oh yes. They look lovely, together," D says looking pointedly at me. Even Ross agreed, who was until now silently watching me. They all were ganging up against me making me all red. I could even feel the heat coming from my face.

With all that going around, Max decided to shift a sleeping James onto the floor, next to him with a pillow supporting his neck and one right next to him, just in case he moved in his sleep.

After that Max took out his own phone when I was still making sure that James was safe on the floor. He moved around a lot in his sleep.

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