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There was a moment of silence before D spoke out chuckling. "Oh, come on baby girl, we are not going to fall for that."

I knew he wouldn't take me seriously.

"Derek, I am not lying. I am getting engaged today. " I emphasize pressing on the matter so he would take me seriously.

Me taking his name must have sobered him pretty quickly because we never used each other's name unless we meant serious business.

Shaking his head as if to clear his mind Max stares at me "What exactly are you saying Mahi?"

"My grandma doesn't have much time... so my parents asked me to get engaged to Prashant and I said yes." I let out with a tight feeling in my throat. I felt suffocated all of a sudden.

"You are kidding, right?"

I keep quiet instead of answering Max and creating more problems than that we already had. Also, I did not want to cause any arguments or bad blood between us.

"RIGHT?" he yelled, this time making me jump.

"So you are bailing on me, just like that? Did you even love me or was it all an act?" I shiver at his icy gaze and hard tone. It was the first time he used his cold tone on me and let me tell you this, it did not feel good to be at the receiving end of it. Not at all.

"I-I did, I DO. I do love you. But this is something I have to do for my family." I force out, my bottom lip trembling. " I didn't have the courage to face you and tell you this, I am sorry. I am a coward."

"That it? You are sorry? Did you even tell your parents about us?" Max asks his tone deadly calm for a man who is being told that his love is leaving him. I was afraid of this. With his jaws tight, I could see the strain on his face.

"No, it wasn't possible under those circumstances and there is no way that they are going to accept us. It's better for you If you forget me." I swallow the bile rising in my throat.

"Wow! Just wow" he scoffs scornfully.

Not being able to hold it anymore, my eyes started watering at his reaction.

"I know I shouldn't have led you on like this, I shouldn't have encouraged anything between us.  I never meant to cause you any pain. I just..."

"This is ridiculous," he scoffs angrily, gripping his hair and messing them up sexily.

Even in this situation, I found him extremely attractive.

"I hate doing this to you but-" He doesn't let me finish.

"Love, don't do this. Give us a chance. Give me a chance." His voice was strong, pleading me to listen to him. Any other time, I would have listened to him without blinking twice.

"I am sorry. I can't. I just can't" I cry out. My heart broke into million pieces seeing him like this. A headstrong man standing there, pleading.

"Then tell me this, can you really live the rest of your life not knowing what we could have been?"

"I don't have a choice. " I grit out, willing myself not to cry more but it wasn't working. His every word was an arrow to my heart.

"Yes, you do. You have a choice. It's me, who doesn't have a choice here. I love you, soo, soo much." He whispers passionately closing the distance between us, his voice heavy with emotions. "Every time I see you, I want to grab you and kiss you, as if my life depended on it".

He then cups my face in his hands, wiping the tears with his thumbs. God, If I could just stay like this forever.

"So it's good that you won't be seeing me anymore," I say chuckling bitterly. He looks at me pained.

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