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"What we're you guys doing?" D asked smirking, not so innocently might I add and I glared at him telling him to shut his mouth with my eyes.

"Shut it, Derek," Max warns him instead, stepping in. I stuck my tongue out for D to sulk even more.

We went and sat on our previously occupied space amongst our friends and continued watching the movie as if nothing happened when he tugs me quietly to his side and cuddles me.

When Max had finally let us out of the room after our not soo innocent makeout session I did face anyone because I was shy and I didn't want anyone to know what happened. But everyone could see the marks Max had left on me. They were smirking. All of them.

The kiss on the bed was innocent at first but then, we had turned into animals, rolling around the bed, kissing as our life depended on it. It was like finally getting your favorite toy, that you had been waiting for soo long, and then when you get it, you can't get enough of it.

Only in our case, it wasn't a toy. I won't get into detailed details though.

All you need to know is that we almost ended up taking each other clothes off in the heat of the moment but a gentleman Max was, stopped before anything else happened because he was sure we wouldn't have possibly stopped after that. And that was like cold water being poured on me. I came back to my senses.

Once started, it was hard keeping our hands and lips to ourselves. Thank god Max felt the same because I couldn't keep my hands to myself and if he had ignored me, it would be a lot embarrassing. He didn't leave my side for the rest of the movie and would kiss me now and then, making me all giddy.

It was by dinner time that Vivian came back from work and we all went out. Finally, giving e a perfect chance to introduce Ross to Vivian, which I had been waiting to do. I could see the sparks.

Everyone had a good time and went off home, except Max and Seb. They were staying with us.

The next day, we all woke up late, as we were up till 3, watching horror movies. We all ended up falling asleep on the couch cuddling and when we woke up it was already late so we decided to go shopping and then to a park.

It wasn't the original plan because I didn't like shopping much because I had to get ready and all, but whenever I shopped I made sure that I didn't have to come back anytime soon. I loved online window shopping though.

Today being a weekend, the mall was very crowded, so we finished up soon. We didn't end up buying much and went back home to pick up James. We had decided to go to the park next.

We couldn't go to a park and not take little James with us, could we? We dropped all of our stuff and picked him up driving to the nearest park. As soon as we entered the park, the little boy ran off to play. 

I and Max decided to walk around for a while but not too far away from James. I had to keep an eye on him.

He was happily playing with some kids in the park when he came running to us along with some of his friends.

I was sitting on a bench with Max from where we could keep an eye on him.

James stood before me huffing and puffing cutely, "Mahi, tell everyone that you are my girlfriend". He said stomping on his feet. I was amused. Children these days I tell you. 

Max let out a chuckle.

"Yes, I am," I said smiling at the children, giving a peck on James's cheek. He turned red and took off with his friends to continue playing. Well, that was something.

"Do I get a kiss, miss?" Max asks cheekily, his lips in a pout.

I thought for a while, "Naah." I said, facing the other way, stifling my laugh. It was fun messing with him.

"Why you, come here," he orders playfully, picking me up and placing me on his lap. And then started to place sloppy kisses all over my face.

"Max, stop" I sputtered out, laughing. He doesn't listen to me at first but then he starts laughing too.

"First you stop telling the kid that you are his girlfriend. You are mine now." He whispers kissing my neck.

"Mmmmm, but he asked me first,"

"but..." he plants a kiss on my lips softly, "you are my girlfriend now."

"You never asked!" I exclaim playing with him.

"Do I need to?" He asks already knowing that it would be just an unnecessary formality that I wouldn't want to be bothered with.

"Uh,..." was all I could manage as his hands had started roaming on their own accord on my body distracting me. 

After I managed to stop him from being inappropriate in front of the children, we took a stroll in the park with James, who tagged along happily.

All in all, we had an amazing day.

But after dinner, Max was reluctant to leave me and go back home. He kept whining about how he would miss me but the promise of me seeing him first thing in the morning with breakfast was all it took for him to leave, but not without a goodnight kiss. And what a kiss it was. Soo dreamy.


The next morning I went with D to the office because certain someone wouldn't stop calling until they saw me. Max was waiting for me outside his office tapping his foot and frowning at his watch. When he saw me coming, his frown turned upside down. 

That smile turned into a grin when I walked faster towards him.

He rushed towards me then, taking me in his big arms.

"I missed you, " He groans, inhaling sharply, and then continued kissing me thoroughly in front of everyone. It was quite a show I tell you.

Remembering where we were, I push him back lightly which wasn't much of a use. I try again. 

"You just saw me yesterday." My voice came out all airy from the kiss. Inhaling deeply, I cough trying to get my original voice back.

"I crave your presence, darling. Soo much that you have no idea," He husks out, lighting caressing my cheek with his knuckles. I stand there looking at him like a love-sick puppy.

"Ok love birds, now enough of this. We have work to do." D announces, telling everyone else to go back to work.

"Come on love, I have work to do." He says pulling me to his office. And the day just went like that in Max's presence.

This routine continued for days. I was soo utterly, stupidly in love that I couldn't even stay away from him for long, but he didn't need to know that. In front of everyone else, he was completely different, a man in control of everything but with me, he was something else. He whined like a baby every time I turned my attention to something else. There was a small child inside him craving attention.

He makes me forget about everything else whenever I am in his presence. He likes hogging my attention and I like doing the same, but only when he is not busy working.

The people in the office were confused to see their boss like this. All mushy and romantic. He was in a good mood, constantly kissing me or hugging me, or if he wasn't doing any of these things, then he would be touching me. That was all it was for the past few days.

I don't know if you guys had noticed, Max kisses me with every opportunity he gets, not that I am complaining. I loved it. I was just not comfortable kissing in front of people, but he loved It.

If it was up to him, he would announce his claim on me to the whole world. He was possessive like that.

After our confession, we hadn't left each other's side, at least not for long. I hadn't had the chance to sit and think about my current situation, which was totally going against my predicament. I was losing the track of my situation here, living in my happy bliss.

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