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We were still in the hospital and I was still right in his arms, warm. It felt so right. Even though nothing happened to him, I was still in shock. I was afraid to get away from him. What if this is just my imagination? I did not want to lose that.

It was easily the scariest day of my life so far.

"Do you still not understand how you feel about me?" He asked quietly. Was he actually asking me? or was he talking to himself? He said it soo quietly, I barely caught on to it.

Just a second after that, the Doctor came out. Not wanting to embarrass me, I broke apart from the hug but didn't leave his hand.

"Mr. King, the patient is fine now. We have already called and informed his parents about the incident. " The handsome doctor informed us coming to stand right in front of us.

"Thank you, doctor. Is he alright?"

"Yes, yes. He is fine. Just unconscious right now. It will be some time before he wakes up fully, you can come back later if you want." The Doctor gives a small polite smile.

"Oh, in that case, I'll swing by later than," Max said relieved.

I was admiring the pretty doctor when Max blocked my view. I pouted sadly. It was a nice view indeed.

"Stop drooling at him," He snaps annoyed. He caught me. Shit.

"Hey, I wasn't doing no such thing. Okey? He was just standing in front of me." I defended myself lamely. Maybe my brain had stopped functioning properly.

"Yeah, yeah sure, If you say so." He scoffed not believing my word.

Who would believe me anyway? After that, he didn't say anything and started walking towards the elevator, my hand still in his.

Standing silently I heard this sound, this constant buzzing that has been bugging me for the past 30 minutes or so. Wherever I went, it was there. It had started to irritate me now.

"Baby, why don't you pick up your phone and see who is calling you," Max said glancing down at me when we stepped outside the hospital. Oh! it was my phone.

I facepalmed myself. How could I forget that my phone was on vibration?. I am such an idiot. D must have called me thousand times, if possible. He must be worried sick for me. Today is going to be my last day on earth, bye-bye world. I thought to myself.

As I reached for my phone, it started to ring again. It was Derek.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN YOUNG LADY?" was the first thing he barked when I picked up. I am soo screwed dude. He looks scary when he is really angry or pissed off.

Even Max could hear D shouting through the phone, even with the distance between us. He was that loud.

"D, I-"

"NO, you listen to me. We have been worried sick about you, calling you like crazy, don't you know how to answer your phone? do I need to teach you that? well, DO I? " He shouts, his voice full of anger. I had never heard him this angry.

"No," I say quietly, sulking. I was ashamed a little now, should have picked up his call or at least informed him of my whereabouts.

"Good, now where are you? I'll come to pick you up. " D asked.

I was about to inform him that I was at the hospital when Max snatched the phone out of my hand and started talking to D.

"Hey, man. She is with me. Yeah... we are leaving now. But before that you need to calm down man, She is a little shaken up and you scared her even more." Max whispered on the phone, trying to be inconspicuous.

He stepped away, a little from me but I could clearly hear him. His deep manly voice didn't allow him to speak in a quiet tone. What were they talking about?.

"Ok, bye" He hung up, returning to my side.

"Don't run away like that again, without informing anyone. Okay?" He warns me lightly. Returning my phone he scolds me a little bit more for acting irrational. He must have heard the whole thing from D, now. No problem, it saves me time then. I was already very much tired and in no mood to explain anything.

"I know, I am sorry. " I breathed out. Bowing my head in shame.

"Hey, it's ok now. I am good and D has calmed down. Let's go home and rest." he held my chin up, giving me a quick peck on the lips. That made my frown turn into a small smile.

I melted right then and there. I missed this sweet Max. It had been soo long without him.

We waited for a cab as he had left his car near the accident spot. Getting tired of standing like that, I leaned on to him. He put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me against him.

It was the first time I was sitting in a cab with Max and it felt good because we were holding hands and my head resting on his shoulders, not because I wanted to be close to him, I was just tired. Don't think too much into this guys.

"You know, I missed you baby. I missed your presence. Your whole being. " He whispered kissing my head.

"Mmmmm. Me too Maxy, me too" I truthfully admitted, looking at his rugged face.

"Also I remember telling you explicitly, not to wear this top. Did I not?" He asks in mock anger instead. I had completely forgotten about that. Oops!.

"Yeah, about that. Hehe! I was- " I completely forgot about the excuse I came up with because Max without warning, had leaned towards me and kissed my shoulder lightly.

It didn't stop there, he continued pressing his lips lightly on my bare skin, from my neck to my shoulder. I couldn't even stop him even if I wanted to. I didn't have that strength in me. The tingling sensation I felt all over me was making me forget everything. He was turning me on.

Every time I opened my mouth to stop him, nothing but air came out. I am such a loser, couldn't even utter a word. I just hope I don't say anything stupid and embarrass myself. But that couldn't happen, could it?

"Max -" I moaned involuntarily. I had opened my mouth to tell him to stop but moaned out his name instead.

He groaned lightly, his lips still attached to my neck, making the vibration travel to unknown places.

To save me from further embarrassment, the car came to a halt. Just about time. I was disappointed and happy at the same time. I was turning red in there, doing things like that and completely forgetting about the other person.

I jumped out like I was on fire, which Max obviously noticed. Not commenting on that he came out, paying the driver. He saw me standing there waiting for him and he chuckled to himself. I was almost bouncing on my spot.

Taking my hand he started walking and entered the building but this time we didn't have to wait for the elevator like always.

Standing next to him in a closed space all alone was nerve-wracking, right after what happened in the cab. I was trying my best to avoid looking at his face as mine was already resembled a ripe tomato by now.

"This is killing me," he groaned out loud and without any warning, pushed me against the wall. His right hand held both my hands above my head around the wrists. The other hand wasn't idle either. He pulled my head back and kissed me hungrily. Hollywood style. HEHE.

It took me some time to access the situation, but after few seconds, my lips had started to respond to his kiss without my permission. Traitor brain, responding without informing me.

It was amazing though. It felt as if he was putting all his feelings into the kiss. But this had to stop before I stopped breathing altogether. His hands had now started to roam free, touching me everywhere. The rush felt fantastic.

"You need to learn to breathe baby, I can't possibly stop every time we kiss. You know." Max breathes out harshly, finally breaking the kiss. Resting his forehead against mine, his lips pulled up in a small smile, making his eyes shine brightly. He looked happy. 

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