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I never envisioned my journey to end soo soon. Never wanted to go back before my time was up but fate has something else in mind.

When Max and D dropped me off at the airport, they both hugged me encouraging me not to lose hope yet.

Max's hug lasted longer than D's and I also received a goodbye kiss from him. He calls this a good luck kiss.

But before leaving they both warned me to come back soon otherwise they would come to my place and kidnap me. I don't think that they were serious so I laughed it off. 

Anyways, on my way back home I just couldn't think about anything in particular so I just prayed for my grandma. She was 80+ and we all knew that she wouldn't live for long but it is always hard to say goodbye. It was because of her, that I am where I am.

Reaching my hometown wasn't difficult at all but now, the most difficult part was to see her. Mom had already called me to inform me that they have taken grandma home because she kept insisting that she was getting more ill at the hospital.

My granny never liked hospitals, just like me. So instead of the hospital, I headed straight to my place. But I was scared to see her. I didn't want anything happening to her yet.

She always wished to see me get married first and then hold my babies. She always talked about that and I can't see her leaving us like this.

When I reached home, I didn't wait for anyone to open the door. I had my own set of keys with me, so I went in calling out my mom, but I didn't receive any answer. Thinking that they must be in granny's room, I decided to shower first and then go and see her.

I didn't want to make her sick any further than she already was with all the germs I would have carried while traveling.


When I came out of my room all cleaned up, I saw my mom. She was surprised to see me.

"Oh my baby, when did you arrive?" She asked hugging me and taking a nice look at me.

If it was a different situation she would have scolded me for losing weight. She always thinks that I get thinner when she is not around.

"Just 20 minutes back maa, I didn't see you anywhere, so I decided to freshen up before seeing her," I informed her.

"Good, now come she has been waiting for you," Mom said, taking me to granny's room.

There she was lying on the bed, looking out of the window, she looked older than I last saw her.

"Gran," I whimpered. Seeing her like this, I couldn't control my tears, they just started flowing.

"Hey, Ma. No crying. Come here," She called me to beside her in her frail voice.

She calls me Ma, instead of my full name. To her, it was a nickname and she thought that I behaved as her mother sometimes, so she named me Ma.

Instead of sitting next to her, I first touched her feet and then went and hugged her lightly. Granny laughed lightly when I did that. It was my routine and it had been long overdue.

"I just away for few days and you stared your acting ha?" I joke lightly making her laugh. My mom was standing behind me.

"Oh, you know me. I love the attention." She replied smiling.

"I got you chocolates you know. But you are ill so, bad luck. I'll eat them for you" I said grinning at her.

"Hey, I am already dying. The least you can do is let me eat that piece of heaven" She said scolding me. But I fell silent. She talks about death as if it's no big deal. She always did that.

"Gran, this is not the time to joke like that" I reminded her.

"Rubbish. Everyone needs to go someday Ma. I just wished to see you get married at least before I go." She says wistfully, holding my hand.

"About that, Amma, Mahi met Prashant a few days back" My mom interjects, informing my Granny about my no-so-dinner date.

"Oh, nice nice. Tell me how was he?. By the way, I already met him. He is soo handsome and respectful too." My granny sighs happily looking more excited than me.

"Looks like you want to marry him, gran" I comment laughing at her excitement like a schoolgirl.

"If I had found him in my days, you would have had a competition," She says winking at me. I just shake my head and giggle at her antics. "Anyways, how was he?" she asked me again.

"He is not hard on the eyes. We are friends now you know and It was easy to spend time with him." I tell her, not saying anymore else.

I don't want to give them any more indication or a green signal.

"hmmm, hmmm, " She hummed sounding tired now. "He is a nice boy Mahi, perfect for you."

I kept silent, I didn't want to argue with her and couldn't lie. Letting her rest for some time was the best way out for me. So I left her room, promising her to come back with the chocolates after her nap.

My mom was the first one out and was standing outside her room, waiting for me. She dragged me to the kitchen before I could escape from her. I knew she was going to hold an inquiry about Prashant. And she did just that, but I won't bother you with all that.

All the while she was asking me about him, she would drop little hints that she liked him for me. It was that obvious. She didn't even ask me about my trip. After she was satisfied she served me food and told me to rest afterward.

Just when I finished up, dad came in. I wasn't very much close to him but I still loved him. I talked to him for a while and then retired for the day.

Going to sleep in my room, reminded me of my room in New York, and just like that, I cursed myself for not calling either D or Max.

I called D, but he didn't pick up so I just dropped a message informing him that I reached home safely and that my grandma was doing a little better. Next, I called Max, hoping that he won't pick up, but he did.

"Thank god, you called. I was getting worried" he sighed in relief. I could imagine him running his hand through his beautiful hair.

"Yeah, I am sorry. It totally skipped my mind." I apologize.

"It's ok, how is she?. Everything good?" He whispers asked me in his raspy voice. Was he busy?.

"She is ok now. Are you busy?. Did I disturb you?" I ask him quickly. He must be in his office right now.

"No, no. Nothing is more important than you, love. Are you ok?" He asked concerned about me. How could I not love this man?.

"Yes, Max. I am fine. And I know you are busy because you are whispering. Are you in a meeting right now?" I gasped realizing his behavior.

"Umm, Just having lunch with a few people" he explained sheepishly. I caught him red-handed for lying.

"Stupid, go now. I'll talk to you when you are free." I scolded him and hung up the phone before he could say anything else.

He called me right back.

"If you hang up on me like that next time Mahi, I'll come and get you myself." He warns me in his sexy voice, sending shivers down my spine.

"Yeah, sure, why not?" I scoff sarcastically, hanging upon him again, and went to sleep.

It was just an empty threat. He won't come all the way here just because I hung upon him. He doesn't even know where I live so I am safe.

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