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Today is the day. I have finally decided to talk to Max regardless of his behavior or outburst as I have managed enough courage to tell him to stop ignoring me. I purposely wore something cute today so he wouldn't be able to ignore me like he has been doing for the past few days.

Standing right in front of his office door, my hand was on the doorknob, waiting. I don't know what I was waiting for though.

"You know you have to turn it and then push the door. It won't open magically." a voice spooked me out, making me jump. As an obvious reaction, I squeaked like a mouse.

With a hand to my chest, I glared at the intruder, it was Sabrina. I hadn't spent much time with her lately.

"I know, how to open the damn door, I don't know what I was- " I trailed off, facing her, my back towards the door. I was leaning against his office door now taking some much-needed support. I was starting to feel a little weak and in turn, had started to rethink my decision.


The door opened at that moment and I fell right onto the person, that is, whoever opened the door. 

Opening my mouth to scream for help, I fell, right in his arms. Just like Bollywood style. I knew it was a man, and I knew it was him. I could recognize his scent anywhere. I had a nose of a hound and he was wearing his chocolate musky scent again.

"Woah!, what in the actual hell--" He stopped talking when he saw who he was holding. I was prone to such accidents so no more questions there. This was bound to happen someday or another.

"Ehmm, babe. Are you alright?" There was someone else in the room, and it was a woman. She had such a sweet voice, but why did she call him babe?. BABE?

I stood up straight, with his help of course. Right now all I wanted was to know who she was. Straightening myself up, I tried to look over his shoulder, which was quite difficult considering his towering height.

"Yes, Mona. Why don't you go now and we will catch up later at dinner." He told her, indirectly telling her to leave she I finally saw her.

"Ok, fine. I'll wait for your call. " She spoke in her sweet voice again, kissed him on his cheek, and left. And I was standing there watching like a fool, gaping. He let someone else kiss him. It was on his cheek but still. Something burned inside me.

Her sweet voice was like poison to my heart. Was she his new girlfriend? Is that why he was busy these days? I knew this was going to happen sooner or later, but it hurt like hell. I felt this fire in the pit of my stomach, reaching up to my heart.

"Who was she?" My voice came out all angry than I thought I actually was. I had come here, trying to mend our relationship but...

"It's," he paused for a sec or few and "none of your concern," He said getting back to his desk, ignoring me again.

"MAX-" Woah, I just blew up.


"Who is she? is she the reason you have been ignoring me completely?" I asked him, jealously clear in my voice.

"I don't think you should be the one asking me that, when you are having your own fun with some guy you barely know." He hisses at me, pointing towards his door, where we had the perfect view of Ross, standing there with a single rose in his hand.

" Argh... We are just friends, he doesn't even like me, like that." I tried to explain, defending myself.

"Yeah, right." He scoffed.


"No, don't Max me now, you are going out with him, even when I told you not to. Did you think I wouldn't know?"

M and MOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora