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The first thing I wanted to do after landing was to go and meet Max but I did not know where he lived exactly. I only knew the area, not his apartment so I went straight to D's place instead.

Even D doesn't know that I was coming today. I wanted to keep it a surprise.

Taking a cab to his/our place, I reached without any hassle. It was already late in the evening so assuming that D would most likely be in the apartment watching a movie and pigging out, I rang the bell and moved away from the peephole, instead of going in with my own key.

Being this late I knew he wouldn't open the door without asking who was at the door.

"Who is it?" Came his voice from behind the door. He was a little confused because he couldn't see me.

"Uh! sir, I have a delivery for you." I said imitating a deep voice. I was trying to speak like Max but it turned out to be like a teenage boy.

"Umm, ok. Sure" D hesitated before opening the door. But when he did, let's just say I need an ear implant.

"What... Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" He screamed at the top of his lungs surprised to see me and then tackled me, making me fall flat on the floor. Well, it was a nice welcome but he is kind of heavy.

"Ugh! ok, get up you doofus, I can't breath," I said wheezing. "Get up!" I thumped his back.

"Oh!, yeah sorry." He says getting up and then helping me.

"If someone had seen us, they would have gotten the wrong idea you know," I said smirking at him. He chuckles at that.

"Well, let them think whatever they want to. I am just soo happy to see you." He says happily, a huge grin on his face. "I missed you."

"Aww, I missed you too," I said a little emotional but happy, going in for a proper hug this time. He was like a brother to me. We never said this aloud to each other but we were like siblings but only not related by blood.

"Does Max know?" He asked me, carrying my bag inside.

"Um, no."

"Oh, man! he is going to lose it." He said chuckling to himself. "Can't wait to see that."

"Well, I don't know about that. The way I ended things with him... I don't think he will be that happy." I mutter a little scared of his reaction.

"He will be happy to see you here. I know it. You would have to work on him a little bit is all. He is in his King phase right now. " He informed me. 

Was he trying to cheer me? Well, if yes then he did a bad job because he scared me instead.

The King phase is a bad thing for everyone around Max. He becomes intolerable at that time and now it is all because of me.

"I was afraid of that," I said expressing my thoughts out aloud.

"Don't worry boo, you know he loves you." He tries cajoling me but I looked at him weirdly.

"Boo? what am I? Your pet?" I scoffed at his nickname or whatever it was. He always tries coming up with new pet names but fails. He should just stick to one.

"Pfft. Don't change the topic. Why don't we go and see Max now?" he suggests excitedly, ignoring my question completely and coming up with a new ridiculous plan of his.

This plan would have worked in different circumstances, but I am not ready to face him yet, especially not this late at night.

"What? No. It's already late. He must be sleeping and I am also tired." I fake yawned and tried coming up with excuses to avoid seeing him right now, but D was not going to listen, he was stubborn like me if not more.

"Don't be so ridiculous babydoll, you know you wanna see him." He says in a singsong voice.

"Uh... No!. Stop it!" I whisper shout at him because he had already dragged me out in the hallway, pulling me to the elevator with him. I wish I had some muscle strength in me, he drags me everywhere like a sack of potatoes.

"D, what are you doing? Let's go back. I am not ready" I told him scared, nervousness seeping in. We were already on our way to Max's apartment.

"Nonsense, you just need to knock on his door, tell him that you love him, and smack a kiss on his lips." He says more determined than me. 

" and then maybe give him some good loving." he continues, smirking suggestively.

He thinks my life is some kind of soap opera or something.

"Yeah sure, why not? Maybe I'll take my clothes off and dance naked in front of him." I suggest scoffing, mocking his stupid suggestion. Folding my hands, I looked away from him, shaking my head.

"That will definitely work. He will love it. Yeah, just do that" He suggests nodding to himself as if it was a great plan. I look at him as if he had grown two heads. Did he hit his head somewhere when I was not here? Maybe that had affected his brain.

"Dude, I was just kidding," I tell him seriously.

"And I wasn't," he says looking at me, taking his eyes off the road. The car had stopped and it seems that we had reached our destination. Well, that was fast.

"I told you, I am not ready," I emphasize, trying to make him understand.

"Yes, you are. Don't be such a baby. His apartment is on the 6th floor, the first door to yours left. Now go before I drag you there, myself ." he warns me, unlocking my door. Now I didn't have a choice did I?

I appreciate him trying to help me out because may it be, today or tomorrow. I would never get the courage to talk to Max after how I handled the situation back home. I am afraid that he will scoff and close the door at my face or maybe he will accept me back with open arms? Who knows. I only have one way to find out.

The elevator opened on the 6th floor, and I stepped out, a little shaky. Taking a deep breath I stood in front of the door and knocked twice and then smacked myself on the head because there was a bell right in front of me.

Ringing the bell I waited for it to open. My hands had turned cold now, my nails looked purple. I was soo nervous to see him, but mostly I was scared of his reaction. I was soo dreading this moment. He still hadn't answered the door and the anticipation was killing me. Maybe he is not at home.

Turning my back towards the door, I sighed breathing heavily, and started moving towards the elevator when the door opened behind me.

"Hey, sorry. I was a little busy. How can I help you? " A feminine voice called out from behind, making me turn around. Well, maybe I have an idea of what she was busy with because she answered the door half-naked.

"Um..." I looked at her not knowing what else to say. She was standing there just in a white shirt her hair messed up. Maybe Derek gave me the wrong address. He is always pulling pranks on me anyways.

"Are you looking for someone?" the girl asked me sweetly, a kind smile on her face. She looked quite familiar as if I have seen her already.

"Um, yeah. I am looking for Max" I said hoping that she would direct me to his apartment.

"Oh, Max!, He just--"

"Monika, who is it?" Came a male voice, interrupting her. The voice belonged to none other than Max King.

She stepped aside opening the door a little further. She was almost his height so he couldn't see me clearly from standing behind her. When he saw me, he was definitely surprised. You and me both buddy, you and me both.

"Mahi! " He stood there looking at me, his eyes wide, surprise clearly written on his face, mostly disbelieve. But after a minute his face turned rigid, his eyes cold. Well, this was the reaction I was afraid of.

But he was standing there without a shirt on, and I sighed internally. I could drool at him all day long but the little green monster in me was trying to break free. A little fire started inside me, from the pit of my stomach, spreading all the way to my heart.

I was more than surprised here. Shocked to be more precise. Maybe I came at the wrong time. Maybe he had moved on already. Maybe he had already replaced me with a tall blonde woman. The exact opposite of me.

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