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It has been 3 days since I came back and I had spent every second with my grandmother. She had started to look a little better compared to the first day I came back but today was definitely not a good day for her.

We had called her doctor and he was checking up on her while we waited outside. I don't want her to leave soo soon, there was still soo much for her to see.

My dad was pacing back and forth, his hands behind his back. He was clearly very stressed and a lot worried. He loved his mom. For his sake I hope, nothing happens to gran.

I would do anything for her to be with us happily for a few more days.

The doctor who was also a friend of dad came out, not looking that satisfied or happy. He was going to be the bearer of bad news.

"Hari, it's not looking good. I can't guarantee you anything but it's only a few more days for her." He informs, regretfully, his hand on my dad's shoulder showing sympathy. Like a scene out of a Bollywood movie.

My mom started crying in the background.

"Spend as much as time with her and keep her happy," the doctor said, before leaving.

My dad stood there, his eyes red, filled with unshed tears. He was trying to be brave for us. Even though we knew that she was leaving us soon, hearing it from someone else really makes it difficult.

Mom and dad went in first to see her and I waited in the hall. I didn't want to intrude. My dad should spend more time with her.

I had fallen asleep on the couch, waiting when mom and dad woke me up. I sat up slowly, coming to my senses.

I looked at my mom, asking her silently about gran.

"She is sleeping right now chinna, but there is something we wanted to ask you," Dad spoke instead.

I looked at him questionably, nodding my head to show that I was listening.

"I know you asked us one year but we don't have much of a choice here Mahi. My mom is dying and I want to make her happy." his voice cracks at the end. I could feel his pain, but to him, it was more painful to lose her.

"I'll do anything papa," I said conviction clear in the way I spoke. I'll do anything to make them happy.

"Your grandma wanted to see you getting married, so instead of that we have decided to at least get you engaged before she goes," Mom says finally throwing the bomb.

Woah, this was highly unexpected.

"Engagement?. But... Who?.. What?.. How?..." I sputtered out, shocked.

"Yes, with Prashant. His mom called the other day. They all liked you Mahi and it would have not come at a better time." Mom informs me.

Well, this was the icing on the cake I thought sarcastically.

Like a fish, I opened and closed my mouth, words had failed me and dread had taken over me completely.

"It is the least we can do for her, Mahi. She always wanted to see your special day, you know that. And he is a perfect match for you as well." My dad says trying to convince me.

"But it's too soon," I whisper out, hoping to avoid this for some time.

"It's just engagement Mahi, you can get married when you decide. It doesn't have to be soon. Please Mahi." My dad pleads with me and that was the last straw for me.

I never saw him like this before and it breaks my heart to see him in this condition, so vulnerable.

"Ok, I'll do it. I'll get engaged" I said without giving it a second thought.

For me, nothing is more important than my family. Maybe that is what I had to do. Even if I had to sacrifice my love for them, I would do it. I hope I can do it.


The following day, everything was fixed and my grandma was more than happy. She was ecstatic, she was happy.

Everyone at home was busy preparing for the function and I spent the day with gran taking care of her. I was afraid to leave her side, not for her but my sake. I didn't want to see all the decorations and preparation around me.

What I was doing was not totally right, it was morally incorrect. I agreed to get engaged to someone to make others happy when I had someone else in my heart.

Max owned my heart. How would I ever face him or Derek?. How?.

The more I thought about it the more miserable I felt. My gran could see it too but she ignored it thinking that I was sad because of her illness. Well as long as she doesn't know the truth, I am good. I hope Max would understand and forgive me after a while.

It saddens me to think that I would be the cause of his heartache.

I wanted to cry out loud with the pain I was feeling inside, but not even a drop of tear would leave my eyes. I was just feeling numb.

Prashant was back in India as well and not knowing how many more days my grandma has left, everyone decided to have the engagement tomorrow night itself.

I was not getting myself involved in this at all. It was my worst nightmare coming true.

And it had been days since I had talked to either Max or Derek. I just text them, here and there and I receive their replies, that's all. I think it all worked out for the better. If I talked to any one of them I would definitely break down.

Right, when I was thinking about him I received a call. It was D.

"Hey, D." I greeted him, keeping my emotions in check.

"Yeah, well hi, uhh... Right! Baby doll, I am busy right now, I don't have time for a chat" D says in a rush.

"Then why did you call me?" I ask confused. Was he high or something?.

"I need your... Oh! Never mind. See ya" He says hanging up. Well, that was definitely strange.

What did he need in the first place?. I hope he found whatever he was looking for.

I did not have much time to think about him because I already had too much on my mind. I was dreading tomorrow, hoping that it never comes.

I was hoping for a miracle to happen or maybe I could just bang my head somewhere so that I have a memory loss. It's better to forget everything. To me, it seemed like a better option.

God give me strength.

Whatever I was doing is for the people who have loved me unconditionally, it is the least I can do for them. For all the things they have done for me, it is the best way to repay them, especially my grandma.

She was the one who saved all her money to fulfill my dream to travel alone. Although it was my business idea through which she earned everything, she thought of me as a partner and kept aside some money for me.

I shouldn't call it some money actually, she saved a lot of it, which I invested later on. Now, I really didn't have to work if I chose to. I was good on my own but I was not independent. If you understand what I mean.

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