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Max's POV

"Hi!" she squeaked, like a little mouse, clearly caught off guard by my lack of clothing. 

She began wringing her hands, not able to keep still. Was she scared?.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her instead, maintaining my cool, I didn't want her to see how much her presence affected me.

She flinched a bit with the way I spoke to her, which I shouldn't care about because she was not mine. Not anymore.

"I... Uh, wanted to talk, but you seem busy so I'll just.." She stutters, looking at Monika, and starts moving backward. Turning around she started walking away.

I did not stop her. 

I don't know if I was actually quite ready to talk to her or see her yet. But I had missed her soo damn much that I was going crazy. So taking it as a chance I just stood there watching her leave me once again.

What in the world was she actually doing here? It had been days since she stopped calling me. I thought she gave up on me. Closing the door behind me, Monika tagged along with me to the kitchen, I needed a strong drink.

"Are you ok?" she asked looking concerned.

"Yeah," I said gulping down my drink as if it was water. She is an old friend of mine, not what you guys might be thinking. I may have been a player in my old days or before I met Mahi. Now, I just couldn't look at anyone like that. 

I have had a fair share of women, but none compared to her. Her innocence in certain things, her smile, her big beautiful chocolaty eyes, her clumsiness, her antics, all that made me love her even more. She is quite unique in herself.

Nobody could ever compare to her, nor fill the void that she created when she left me. That was the worst day of my life, so far. It topped even my parent's death, which was a tragedy in itself, but that was an accident that I choose to forget.

In Mahi's case, she chose to leave me, willingly which hurt more than anything else. We travelled to India, to her hometown just to surprise her but we were in for a big surprise. 

But now that she is back, I don't know how I would react around her. Why is she even back now? For my sake, It would be best to ignore her. Just thinking of her being with someone else, feels as if my heart is being stabbed by multiple knives at the same time. It fucking hurts. 

"It's getting late, why don't you go and rest. You have a meeting tomorrow" Monika says softly, her hand on my shoulder, waking me up from my reverie. I knew she was just trying to divert my mind away from sad reality, she knew what Mahi meant to me.

"Yes, good night," I say retiring to my bedroom. Closing the door behind me, I fall face-first on my bed, willing my mind to not think about certain Indian beauty anymore.


Waking up in the morning I felt a little different today. Maybe it was for the reason that I had a good sleep after a long time. And the reason was for that sleep was a certain someone who came to my door yesterday.

She was definitely going to be in the office today, I could feel it in my bones. Even if she was a little skeptical towards me, she would definitely try talking to me, she is stubborn like that.

Wearing a white shirt underneath my suit, I took more time than usual to get ready for the office. Who was I kidding? she is engaged to someone else and I was just trying to look good for her. I was being pathetic right now.

Taking my own sweet time to reach my office I calmed myself thinking of ways to avoid her. I wanted to look at her the whole day long and at the same time never see her again.

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