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It was Saturday today and for the past couple of days, I had been acting strange intentionally in front of Max. I had planned something for a long time now so yet again, I had just declined Max's offer to spend the day today together. I was acting suspiciously.

Finally having enough of my strange act and ignorance, he has decided to visit me.

He was angry because of my recent behavior. I had put a little, only a little distance between us, not letting him touch me or getting away from him but it was all for fun. You will see.

I, Derek, and Seb were in the living room waiting for Max to come. D and I had made the plan, just because I wanted to teach Max a lesson and also because it had been a long since we pulled any pranks on anyone.

At first, Seb was reluctant to join our plan but a few kisses from his boyfriend and my cute face were all it took to convince him to join our side.

This was all because Max had slept in my room with me in Malakoi almost a month back, without my permission, and that too when he was drunk. He doesn't even remember doing that. Finally, it was his day to pay.

The bell rang indicating that he was here. My heart skipped a beat because we had never tricked Max before. We didn't know how he would react.

But I have to start acting now. Seb and D hid and were standing somewhere we couldn't see. They were taping this. Here goes nothing.

I prepare myself and open the door for him, totally avoiding looking at his face. His handsome face.

"Mahi, you have less than a minute to tell me what the hell is going on!" is the first thing he says closing the door behind him. His jaw clenched, hands in a tight fist.

Instead of answering that, I go and sit on the couch, bowing my head. I try very hard to bring myself to tears, but it was damn impossible. Where are the tears when you actually want them? My plan will fail like this so I try harder.

"Stop Ignoring--" I sniffle, stopping him from saying anything else.

"Max I.." I stop myself for dramatic effect.

"Mahi, baby, what's wrong? Tell me." He cajoles his hands on my shoulder. His demeanor changed altogether.

"Max I need to tell u something very important" I whisper and stop to take a shaky breath and continue "I have been meaning to try and tell you this, but didn't know how..."

"Ok, what is it?. You are kind of scaring me now. " He comments a little worried. 

His attitude had changed drastically from when he had arrived. He was fuming when he came here but now, totally different.

Somebody snickered in the background. Shit. Idiots.

"Well, I... I Iampregnant. " I rush out, looking up at him.

"I am sorry. What?" He asks, confusion clear on his face.

I cleared my throat and tried again "I am pregnant, I mean we are pregnant, I mean am having your baby. "

And his face was totally blank. Like he didn't know what to do or what to say. Obvious reaction. I wanted to laugh, soo badly.

"Mahi, we never did anything, how could you.. " he trailed off.

"Oh my god " I whisper as if horrified, covering my mouth with my palm.

"You don't remember what happened between us?. Do you?. When you came to my room that night..." I leave it to that, without completing the sentence. Let him fill in the blanks for himself.

He stood there, too stunned to say anything so I continue.

"You mean to say, you absolutely remember nothing about that night?"

Now he was like a fish out of water, opening and closing his mouth. Poor baby.

"Mahi I --" He finally tries saying when I abruptly get up from my seat.

"Oh, no, no, no, what am I going do? how could you forget something like this? how?" And then started the waterworks. Oh, I am soo going to hell for this.

Max's point of view.

"I am pregnant, I mean we are pregnant, I mean am having your baby. " Well fuck. She was pregnant, BLOODY PREGNANT., and I didn't even know-how.

But how could this be my baby? Nothing ever happened between us. Nothing that I could remember.

"Mahi, we never did anything, how could you... " I trail off.

"Oh my god," She whispered horrified, covering her mouth.

"You don't remember what happened between us?. When you came to my room that night..." She stops, without completing the sentence. What night is she talking about?.

I was still thinking about what to say when she continued.

"You mean to say, you absolutely remember nothing about that night? "

"Mahi I --" I try telling her that it was not possible when she abruptly gets up.

"Oh, no no no, what am I going do? how could you forget something like this? how? " And then she started to cry. My heart broke seeing her like this but I was too stunned to say anything.

My heart sank when she said she was pregnant. I thought I just misheard her.

Shit, shit, shit... I remember sleeping in the same room with her but I don't remember anything of that night and we never talked about it after. Shit. If something like that happened between us I would have liked to remember. How can I not remember anything of that night?.

I do remember going to her room, but after that, it's a blank. A total blank. Fuck!. And how did she not tell me about this until now?

Well, now she is crying all because of me. Should I lie to her and tell her that I remember or should I tell her the truth?. Oh god, what did I do?.

First thing first I need to stop her from crying like this, "Mahi, baby please don't cry" I try but she started crying more. Fuck.

"I can't," She says still continuously crying. I couldn't even see her face properly.

"Mahi, I don't think crying like this is good for the baby. Shhh... Stop it. " I tell her softly "I know you wanted to be married before this happened. Let's go get married" I suggest without thinking.

She stops and stares at me for a minute. Oh no, was it bad timing?. I never told her this but the thought of us getting married and having a baby had popped into my mind a long time ago. I really want her to be mine. Forever. It may be soon for someone else, but I know what I want.

But how could I possibly forget us making a baby? How?. How could I be that stupid?

"You don't remember anything, I know. What will I do? My baby will not have his father, my family will disown me and I will have no job and... and.. " she hyperventilated.

"Mahi, Mahi, MAHI, shh.., I am not leaving you" I inform her softly, pushing back her hair. Even in this situation, she looked damn pretty. Soo damn pretty.

"Aww, they are so cute," I heard someone whispering.

"Shhh be quiet!" this time a different voice, distracting me momentarily.

And now she started to laugh. I think she is going crazy. All this stress must be getting to her.

"Aaaand cut," the same voice said. It was D. Was he hiding all this time?.

"What's going on here? " I asked confused.

"Oh nothing, just playing pranks on people and stuff," She says looking at me, mischievously. Well, she was not crying anymore.

"Oh ok. But Mahi why are you... " I trailed off stopping when I finally understood the whole situation. SHE LIED TO ME.

"Oh you little devil, I will show you now," I whisper to myself. Half angry and half-amused. And then took off behind Mahi. My naughty little darling.

She knew she is in trouble now, but she won't be able to escape for long. I will always catch her.

M and MOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora