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It was the constant knocking on the door, that pulled us out of our make-out session. I don't even remember how I started kissing him back. His kisses were just magical and we were so close. I found my arms around his neck, which was quite surprising. I had no recollection of doing that. Maybe my hands have minds of their own.

"I know you are in there Max, open the door. I saw Mahi, she has been in there for a while now, stop hogging her" D said from outside still continuously knocking.

"Max..." I whisper hoarsely, heaving lie I had run a marathon.

"No," He rejects instantly knowing well that I wanted to stop this and go out.

"Please... Oh god... Stop" I whimper, as his lips landed on my neck, kissing me there. 

The knocking continued and I shake myself mentally to wake up from this lust-induced coma.

"We will continue this later," Max said heatedly, his voice gruff and husky.

"and don't for once think that your dressing got unnoticed by me today" he added on, his right hand trailing down and stopping just right above my butt.

"What?" I asked incredulously.

"Oh, baby, do you think wearing tight jeans, with a figure like yours, is not a distraction?" he asked me, his hand now slowly grazing my bottom. This should stop. I should stop this, but everything inside me feels so squirmy and mushy.

"Hey, I am covered top to bottom, as you like. I am not distracting anyone." I complained.

"You are a distraction in itself doll, and such a sweet ass like that... You have a body of a goddess." he whispered lightly, his left cheek touching my right one, and his lips dangerously close to the sensitive area just below my ear. If he discovered that spot, I would definitely collapse on the spot.

"Guys, come on. Open up, I am hungry." that was D again. "Mahi, open this door right now", he was serious this time. He never orders me around like that and he almost never takes my name unless he means business.

"Come, he must be thinking that I am holding you, hostage, here. Let's not get me in trouble now." Max murmured kissing me one last time while opening the door for D and Seb to enter.

"What took you guys soo long to open the door?" D asked his eyes in slits, his arms crossed, one foot tapping the floor continuously. 

Was he trying to look intimidating?. If I hadn't known him, he would have successfully done so, but as he was a sweet little mean thing, it was hard to be scared of him. Instead, I found his posture quite funny.

"Oh, nothing. We were just making out... and would have continued so if it weren't for your nagging" Max said casually as if it was an everyday occurrence. Holy shit! Couldn't he keep his mouth shut for once?.

"You, WHAT?" D yelled out surprised. Shit, why am I standing here silently?. Where is my voice when I need it?. He was surprised, his mouth was closing and opening like a fish out of water.

"No D, it's nothing. You can calm down" I sputtered out finally. And I then smacked Max's hand and threw a glare his way. Did he want me to fall in trouble?

"You, better start explaining me right now, or I'll lose my cool now baby doll," D said trying to keep his cool. I never told D that Max and I have actually kissed before.

"Derek, Mahi is the girl I like. There I said it. Is everyone happy now?." Max said exasperated. This silenced whatever, the heck D was about to say.

"I knew it! now hand me my 50 bucks" Seb cheered happily, whilst asking some kind of money from D. I just stared at D.

"Did you guys bet on us?" Max asked incredulously. Did they seriously bet on us? but why?.

"I for the fact knew that something was going on Maxy's mind. I had a tiny teeny inkling that he liked Mahi but my dear boyfriend here thought that nothing would happen. So, we made a bet," Seb said still all giddy not acting his mature self. He looked happier about the situation as compared to any one of us here.

"Baby doll, we need to talk. Right now." D said aggravated, giving me a pointed look. I knew what he wanted to talk to me about. nobody said a word as he dragged me out of that office to an empty meeting room.

"D, I know, this is wrong, but I myself didn't know about it until a few mins back. I swear." I breathed out. I was scared that he would judge me. D is not that kind of person but still. He knew I wasn't interested in a love scene.

"Baby, baby doll, shhh... You need to calm down, you are hyperventilating." D shushes me, rubbing my back. He was right, being away from Max, made me understand what kind of situation I was actually in. I was in deep shit.

"Ok, ok. I am fine now" I said taking deep breaths, calming down. I was leaning against the table, taking the much-needed support.

"D, does he know about my situation? the one about you know, me going back after some time?" I asked D worried. Seb knows about my situation, maybe he told Max.

"I don't know, It never crossed my mind to tell him, but maybe Seb informed him," D said hopefully.

"I hope so too," I whispered back, rubbing my head. This was going to blow up in my face one day.

"Also... I know that you like him back, no don't give me that look, you like him." D interrupted me before I could even deny that. Obviously, I was about to deny it.

"There is nothing wrong in liking each other doll, I just don't want anyone getting hurt." He continued, pulling me in for a hug. I wish for the same.

"Maybe I should talk to him after your meeting is over, the sooner the better I think," I suggested, pulling away from him.

"Yes, the sooner the better. " D agreed, getting lost in his own world.

What was he thinking about now? Is there something which I am not aware of? Should I ask him?. Maybe I'll hold on to my thoughts for some time. I have to talk to Max first. Have I been talking more to myself lately? 

"Hey, I had totally forgotten, why I came to the office in the first place," I said pulling D out of his reverie. " I bought food for you guys." I continued happily.

Food makes everything better, so Instead of thinking about the recent events, I pulled D out of the room and took him back to Max's office, where the food was. I knew nobody would talk about what happened when there was food present on the table, so that was a relief.

It was already 12 now, so basically what we would be having now would be considered as brunch. I already knew that we would be this late so I had prepared Palak paneer for them with Roti. Indian special.

The bags were on the side table, which was weird because I don't remember putting them there. Maybe Max did.

"Come guys, I made you lunch,"

I sat down on the sofa and took out everything, serving them first and then, at last, served myself some. Avoiding any type of eye contact with Max, I busied myself in eating without looking up which was proving to be hard as could practically feel his eyes on me.

What I am going to do?

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