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Every new day brings a fresh new start, or so what people say. I for one didn't feel anything different nor did I want to start something new today. It's been 3 days now, I haven't left the apartment.

Things between Max and me were more than complicated now. I just came here for a carefree, adventurous life but seems as if God wanted me to have this kind of adventure. You should always be clear as to what you want and what you ask. You asked for an adventure you got one.

When all this was going on, Ross called me daily to check up on me. Derek tried to get me out many times but it didn't work. Not even bribing me with chocolates worked for him this time. He was clearly stressed, between me and his other best friend. From what I have heard, wasn't doing so well himself.

He did call me once, but before I could decide to whether ignore him or pick up the call, my phone stopped ringing. After that, he didn't call nor did I try talking to him. He is a prick.

Coming to think of it, maybe it's for the best. But I didn't like it when I left things like that. I always try from my end to solve things, but if it still doesn't work out, only then do I stop trying.

Anyways, I had enough of this drama. I need to go out and get some fresh air. It was almost 4 in the afternoon, D must be on his way back from the office. He would be happy to see me all dressed up going out.

I had piles of cloth lying on the chair so I decided to wear something from that. These were the rejected clothes that Max considered inappropriate to be worn in public, especially when I was out alone. Actually, there was nothing wrong with those dresses, tops, or jeans, It just made me look too cute to resist. His words, not mine.

He wasn't here to see anything, so I decided to wear jeans with an off-shoulder top. It was kinda cute and I also liked wearing jeans because they have pockets. No need to carry a bag or anything.

I got ready, took some money, stuffed it in my pocket and with my phone in my hand I left my room. Heading towards the kitchen to drink something before I left, I heard some noises.

Some kind of heated discussion was going in there in a hushed tone, so I decided to eves drop. I had nothing better to do anyway.

"Well, what happened? Where is Max? didn't he say he was going to be here an hour ago?" D asked whoever it was with him. My guess is Seb.

And Max is coming here? why? I really need to get out of here before he arrives, I thought to myself worried. My heart has started to race with anticipation now, It felt as if am about to get my results or something. It freaks you out.

"Yeah, Max is in the hospital right now --" Seb's voice came out all worried and I came out of my hiding spot. HOSPITAL? I had to know everything.

"Hospital? why? Seb, what happened to Max? Tell me. Now!" I couldn't stop myself.

"Baby girl, it's nothing-" Seb tried talking to me in a soothing tone but I was having none of it. All of a sudden I was feeling suffocated.

"There was an accident near his apart -" That was all I heard before I took off running. I couldn't listen anymore. On instinct my legs took off.

Even thinking about Max and accident in the same sentence was hard to digest. I felt as if there was a turmoil inside of me, the wind was knocked out of me, but I had to see Max one way or another. To hell with our fight.

D and Seb both started calling me, running behind me, telling me to stop but I didn't hear the rest, because I took a cab before anyone of them could reach me. I know which hospital he would be in. It was the nearest to his place. I just hoped he was alright.

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