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I took a cab to the restaurant. Prashant had texted me the address and was already sitting at the table when I arrived and did he look good?. God, he was really handsome. Totally my type of guy but I didn't feel any kind of attraction towards him. 

My mom knew exactly how I liked them.

Perhaps if I had never met Max then I would have definitely given him a chance maybe I would have agreed to meet him without a second thought.

"Hey hi, thanks for coming." Prashant greeted me getting up from his chair when he saw me. Good manners.

"Hello" I greeted him back shyly. It wasn't intentional. I am just not good at meeting new people like this.

"I hope you don't mind but I already ordered for us both," he said.

"Ok," I just shrugged and stopped talking when the waiter came with our order.

"I heard you have been staying here. My mom told me you are traveling alone. That's cool" He commented after a while.

"Yeah I wanted to travel once on my own," I told him happily.

"How did you convince your parents? You have to tell me your secret" He insisted as if asking for a top-secret.

Slightly moving closer to him, he also leaned in and I whispered in his ear conspiring "Blackmailing."

He laughed, moving to his original position.

"My parents are cool and they also wanted me to get married. So to listen to them, they had to allow me to travel once. Alone." I told him.

"What you are doing is something else you know. Most parents won't allow it, especially if you are a girl. It's good to have some freedom though." He said smiling.

"Yeah, tell me about it," I said shaking my head. Girls still do have many restrictions in India. Many.

"Anyways, why are you here?" I asked him out of curiosity.

"I am just here for a few days on business. My mom sent me your photo and number just this morning and was badgering me to call you and talk to you and to meet you so I couldn't say no to her." He explained sheepishly.

I laughed shaking my head as I was in the same situation.

"I hope this is not an inconvenience?" He asks me.

"No, I know how moms can be," I said chuckling. We could understand each other's problems and just like that we became friends. It wasn't that bad talking to him as he was really cool but it was time to leave.

"Mahi there is no pressure but I wanted to ask if you had someone else in your mind." is what he asked at the end.

"It's too soon to think about marriage," I said totally avoiding his question.

Maybe he saw through me or he just accepted that answer, " Yes I know. You are still young. You need time to think. I'll wait." he said waving me off when I climbed the waiting cab.

Driving off, the event of the day finally hit me. What was I going to tell my parents? Maybe I'll just avoid anything for now. I am still not sure if Max and I had any kind of future even though I love him.

Remembering how he left, I tried calling Max, thinking that he may have cooldown a little by now but even when I called he didn't answer.

Why is it that he always gets angry and I have to convince him?. He gets angry easily because of me.


Waking up in the morning the first thing I did was try talking to Max. Maybe he is still angry because he hadn't called me back. I even tried calling his home number but he didn't even pick up that also.

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