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After his unofficial proposal, we hardly left each other's side. Deciding that it was time to finally meet my parents, Max suggested that we invite them here to New York, instead of us going back to India. This way they could also get away from their daily routine and have a much-deserved holiday.

His idea wasn't at all bad and not to delay anything anymore, we invited them over. It wasn't very hard to convince them as they were looking forward to meeting their only future son-in-law. Hearing my parents call him that, was a little strange, for me at least but Max was totally different case. He was beaming with happiness when my Mom called him that.

And if you are wondering about Max's parents, they passed away in a car accident when he was young. Hearing his tragic backstory he was practically smothered by my parents when they came to know the news, but he was loving all the attention.

He had now, taken my mom and had replaced me now, taking my place. As long as they were here they acted more like his parents than mine. I even got jealous sometimes but at least I am happy that they accepted him. Not even once did they try interrogating him as they show, in those soap operas. Not even a little bit.

My parents were seriously cool, but my mom embarrassed me at every moment she got. I'll tell you about one incident, which at first seemed innocent but then turned out to be my roasting session.


"Mom, If you keep feeding me like this, I am going to get fat soon," Max complained. My mom had insisted that he called her mom as well. 

"Rubbish! you eat way less than Mahi does." My mom said, pilling more food on his plate. I stopped eating looking at her. 

"Maa! " I complained winning "I don't eat that much." 

She shushed me instead, telling me to eat quietly. I pouted silently sulking whereas D started chuckling happily.

"I don't know where all that food goes. She doesn't even get fat." My mom continued to embarrass me even more. 

Derek was laughing at my expense, having more fun than normal. He was cackling actually to put it nicely.

"Maa, stop it" I complained again, almost begging her to stop talking.

"If your children are anything like her in the future, then most of your time and money will go in feeding them only." She rambles on, without a stop. Max looked at me amused, making me turn red. I wanted to dig a hole and crawl into that.

"Let's hope they get your height. I want my grandchildren to be tall." My maa says at last looking at me. she was purposefully trying to embarrass me, it was all for fun. 

I could see the way she looked at me, mischievously. It was her dream to embarrass me in front of my future partner as a form of revenge for all the trouble I had caused her during my childhood.

"Hope they are not as clumsy as her as well," D adds on chuckling, my mom nods at that laughing along.


And that was that. There were many more incidents but I do not want to recall them anymore. My parents had returned to India as my father did not have many holidays left. Max showed them around, taking time away from work. He was great with my parents. I was stupid to have left him like that. I still hit myself mentally and physically when nobody is looking.

But when my parents were here, it was torture for both of us. We could not sleep in the same room, we could not kiss each other like we always did, we couldn't even cuddle. That was one thing I knew my parents wouldn't like or appreciate much, so we maintained our distance. We held hands sometimes in front of them but that was as far as we went.

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