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Here is the next chapter, enjoy and have a nice day ...

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"You should have seen your face when I said that, D was going on a date with Sabrina." I laughed remembering that day when D and I planned on making both of them jealous. Everyone knew that Derek is gay but still this guy fell for our trick.

"It was priceless. I wish I could have gotten that on a camera" I chuckled wiping up my tears.

"Wouldn't you have like that... " Nathan the mature guy he is, threw his fries at me while making a stupid face.

"Awwww babe, you are soo cute, " Sabrina exclaimed and leaned forward to kiss him on the lips.

I just gagged. Sometimes these things could be romantic but otherwise, it made me cringe because I knew these people. Strangers doing such things never bothered me, but if I personally know someone and they behave like this!. I'll have this feeling of unease until I get far, far away from them.

"Eww, guys I don't want to see that!" I complained whining and started throwing my balled-up tissues on them.

"No, you are just jealous that you don't have someone like me. Come I'll give you some sweet my puppy, come here, come" Nathan said making a pouty face, and then started petting my head while trying to kiss my nose like I was a wounded puppy.

He called me a puppy. Puppies are cute, but I am a human being. I don't know if he insulted me or called me cute. Forgetting that, for the time being, I looked at Sabrina trying to make a sad face like I was offended, and waited for her to avenge me.

"Babe, don't you dare" she looked at my face and continued "insult those innocent puppies like that." Sabrina let out and the love birds burst out cackling at my face. For a second there I thought she was going to scold him, but no. They both were having fun at my cost.

Like I told you, they can't eat their food unless they play bullies with me.

And here I thought she would take my side. Poor me, I was all alone in this, with these cruel people. 

"I'll never talk to you guys!" I cried out, got off my seat, and took a step towards the exit. As I turned my back towards them, I saw a bar of chocolate dangling in front of my face along with the hands of its owner.

"You are like a sister to me Mahi, I like messing with you. Don't be upset." Nathan said when I turned around to face him. I was just messing with him, but awwwww.

"OK, but don't gang up on me like that again, or I'll tell, mom." I joked taking the chocolate from him.

"Oh my, my two kids finally growing up!" came the sarcastic and emotional voice of Sabrina, acting as if she was wiping her tears. 

"Now, now come on you two babies time to go back to work." She clapped her hands twice and turned around to the exit.

I and Nathan started following her like faithful minions, when out of nowhere, I tripped, without any external force. Just a normal day for me. I thought sarcastically. Just in time, Nathan caught me by my shoulders before I could kiss the ground.

"Thanks, bro" I mumbled embarrassed. How could someone just trip on air? how?. 

"It's fine, shorty. I know am a hero. You don't have to mention that." he whispered secretly in my ear as if he was an actual hero, in real life and he didn't want anyone to know his secret.

I looked at him wide-eyed as if I really believed him, acting along. We both know we were goofing around like always.

"Ahem. What's going on here?" Hearing him, we both stood up straight.

"Hi!" I let out in surprise.

"I had been- I mean we had been waiting for you in the office." Let out the angry, agitated voice of a tall handsome brooding cute man.

"I was just-"

"And why are you holding her like that?" The tall fuming machine asked again. If you still haven't guessed it, it was Max.

"Sir, I... I " Nathan stuttered.

"It's nothing Maxy, please come and hold me. I can't stand properly." I said batting my eyelashes and then making a puppy face at him. I learned that from D. He told me to use it to my advantage. I have used it on various occasions in the past on Max but only when I wanted things my way. 

Never actually tried it in the office before on Max, but let's see if he falls for it now.

Just as my words reached his ears and he saw my face, he made a beeline towards me and lifted me in his arms, without saying anything else, and started moving towards his office. Wide-eyed I looked over his shoulders and waved my friends goodbye. I didn't think that he would pick me, at least not in front of his employees.

"Why are you angry?" I asked him nicely, trying not to bring whatever that was bothering him to me.

"You, why were YOU of all people, in his arms?" he asked me tightening his hold on me and breathing hard. If he was a dragon, he would have been breathing fire in my face.

"Instead of asking me whether I am hurt or not, your attention is purely on someone else," I said pouting slightly, trying to distract him.

"I just want to know why were you standing soo close to him, FYI I know nothing happened to you otherwise you would have screamed bloody murder." He pointed out knowingly.

He knew me well.

"Now tell me." he continued, pressing on the matter.

"If you don't stop asking that, I'll bite you." I threatened him. 

"Please do, baby, please do or if you let me, I'll bite you," he whispered huskily. It sent shivers down my spine.

Oh no, instead of being afraid, he was enjoying this, at least he wasn't angry now.

"Ok, ok. I just tripped on my way to your office when Nathan caught me." I said recalling yet another embarrassing moment.

"Hmmm, next time you better trip when I am around," He said while putting me down and then entered his office not before tapping my butt twice. He opened his door, turned around before entering he winked at me. He freaking winked at me.

This guy is totally bipolar. Angry at once and a total of 180 degrees under 30 seconds. God save me.

"We have been waiting for you, baby doll, where have you been? anyways let's go we are leaving early today." D announced excitedly, holding my hand and dragging me along with him. 

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