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The next morning I decided to wake up early and make a meal, sort of like a picnic for the guys coz today was an important day for them. They have a very important meeting which if successful would increase their business. I for the fact knew that nobody would have eaten anything as of yet because they had to reach the office before time for some preparations. They usually didn't eat much before such meetings, only coffee. Yukk.

D had already left for the office, so it took me about an hour to prepare everything and about 20 minutes more to reach the office. I was nervous to meet Max, god knows in which mood he is right now. Just not to risk anything, I had worn high waist jeans paired with a yellowish crop top. I was covered totally, so at least Max won't get angry by what I was wearing. He usually didn't like me exposing skin in his office.


As I reached their floor, I saw people running about like headless chickens. It was funny but the way they were running around only meant one thing. The King was still in the mood. Should I go talk to him or I shouldn't? what is the worst that could happen? He could fire me. haha. I am not even an employee here. I shouldn't be afraid of him. I didn't do anything wrong.

"Hey Sabrina, everything ok?" I asked before deciding to go into the lion's den.

"Thank god you are here! can you please go and occupy those guys for some time? They are driving everyone crazy" Sabrina said pleading. She looked exhausted and it's not even 12 yet.

"Ok, ok. Calm down. When is the meeting?" I asked her trying my best to calm her down.

"It's at 3 and everything is ready, but don't know what happened with Mr. King, he is awfully snappy today. Just, please do something." She almost begged me. This was a first.

I should help out these poor souls.

"First of all, you need to drink some water. I'll go and see what I can do. Okay?" I said walking towards Max's office. I need to be a little brave. Why was I getting scared?

I breathed in shakily and knocked twice, just to warn them that I was entering when a voice barked out

"You better have that file with you, Richard, I don't want any excuses this time," It was Max. He didn't even see who was at the door. Didn't even pick up his face, from whatever he was doing. I could only see his head full of long beautiful silky hairs.

"I don't have any excuses but do you? Why are being hard on them like that?" I said after closing his office door behind me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked with an angry tone. Ok, so no special treatment for me. Nice, nice.

"I wanted to know if you were ok. What has gotten you so upset?. You can tell me." I asked him as nicely as possible. But if he gives me one more snarky remark, then I'll kick his ass. Who does he think he is?

"You, you want to know if I am ok? seriously? " He scoffed asking me. Almost as if taunting me. What is wrong with him?

"Yes, I want to know, do I make a poster for that? " I asked back sarcastically. I won't back down this easily.

"Ok, I'll let you know what got me upset." He said in a deadly calm voice, getting up from his chair and walking towards me. I gulped. I hadn't thought this through. I should have thought this through. Shit!.

With his powerful strides, he was standing in front of me, before I could come up with an escape plan. He was breathing hard. And just like that, he had pressed me up against the door. I should have moved away from the door when I had time. But he had bloody long legs like a giraffe.

"You know why I am angry? Do you know why? coz the girl I like is so blind, she can't even see that I like her, and if she knows it, she doesn't care. Instead, she meets a new guy every other day. " he spits out angrily.

"Maybe, you should try talking to her instead of getting all worked up." I tried giving him a bit of advice even when my heart was hurting. I didn't know he liked someone. And here I was conjuring up scenarios in my mind, even though I couldn't possibly reciprocate his feelings.

"Ok, then let's try that and see if that works out," he said almost sarcastically.

"OK" I squeaked trying to get away from his hold. But he pulled me back and pressed me up harder up against the door. He should stop doing that. I could feel his long firm legs touching me places they shouldn't.

"You, are the most stupid girl I have seen, you can't even tell if a guy likes you. I have been with you for so many days now. Don't you understand?" he continued almost aggressively.

"Always stumbling upon strangers, and it always has to be a guy, not even a girl. And then I watch them flirting with you standing in the background. Do you know how aggravating that is? I always want to punch them or maybe bury them. You are soo... oblivious.  And here I thought that we had something special the way we both met but no, for you it happens with every other guy." by the time he finished his rambling he was almost a breath away from me.

I kept blinking his words swimming in my head but wait, back up a little. What did he just call me? This guy just called me stupid. Stupid.

"Why you, you little piece of dirty chocolate. How dare you call me stupid? YOU, you are the stupid one, and it's not my fault that I have uncoordinated legs. I am just clumsy ok? Do you think I like falling on guys?" I shout out angry at him now.

"Why god why, why must you make me suffer like this?" he groaned frustrated while looking up, shaking his head as if he was actually having a conversation. By the looks of it, him banging his head on the door was the only thing left to do now.

And then he looked down. Those bright dark blue eyes shone right at me.

"I just confessed my feelings for you, but instead of focusing on that, you just remember me calling you stupid. what does that tell you?" he huffed. Okey... I did not see that coming.

"What do you mean?" I asked, now scared for a whole different reason. First I was hurt that he liked someone else, but now that he confessed that it is me, who he likes, I am scared for a whole different reason now. I can't let this happen.

"I mean I like you, I can't even stand the thought of you with another guy. I just can't, " he gritted out, and without waiting for me to say something, anything he kissed me. As if his life depended on it, his lips sucked on mine, pressing me more against the wall. 

His words though, he said it with so much conviction that even I couldn't say anything else on that matter. I was lost in the moment.

This kiss felt so different, not that I had many to compare. It was just amazing. And that's how ladies and gentlemen I ended up kissing him back.

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