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I was blindfolded in the middle of our journey. We were on a plane, I mean Maxy's plane, so where ever we were going was yet another mystery to me. They could have blindfolded me when we were about to land, it's not like I was going to see any kind of signs up in the sky, we don't have welcome boards up here. Not yet. 

But hey what fun it would be if D didn't mess with me? right? so here I was sitting with a blindfold on, fuming. Not because of D, mind you.

I was angry, very, very, very angry or jealous maybe, I don't know. It was because this little creature that god sent to irritate me, was with us. I thought it would be just the four of us like always but no, they had to bring little miss Cinderella along.  

Ok, ok I know you guys don't know who she is, but I am telling you, she is the devil herself.  She is just like those evil sisters in the Cinderella movies.  

Her name is Celestina Ivonof. The little miss beauty queen is a childhood friend of Max and Sebastian, also D's friend. She was sweet and all but only in front of others, otherwise she is always mean to me, always. Commenting on my dressing and my eating habits and of course my height.

Now she is babbling on and on about her career, how girls are jealous of her, and blah blah blah... Even when my eyes are closed I could feel her glaring at me while speaking that particular sentence. And also she was clinging on to Max, which she always did, hanging on to his every word, stroking his bicep with every chance she got. And that idiot didn't even notice her doing all this, he was all ears for her, smiling and laughing. Even if he noticed, he didn't say anything. was he blind, or was he enjoying the attention.

I don't know whether if he did this on purpose, which egged on his macho personality or something but I was highly pissed. At both of them.

"Hey doll, we are just about to land, I can't wait to see your reaction," D said excitedly, from where he was sitting beside me. I could almost feel his excitement as he was jumping in his seat. 

"Can you not remove this blindfold? Let me see some scenery," I complain. My hands inching to remove the blindfold.

"No!, I don't want you guessing and spoiling my surprise,"

"Yeah, I can't wait to get out of here as well" I whispered to myself angrily. I didn't like her, that much was clear but today I was burning from inside. 

After 20 minutes we had reached, and this time Seb was helping me get down because they still insisted that I wear the blindfold. D would have helped me but then we would have tumbled down the stairs and Max was busy with someone else.

 Another 20 minutes later we were finally there. As my eyes were closed, my other senses were working perfectly, I could feel the cold breeze and the fresh air.

"Welcome to Molokai, baby" D whooped excitedly, taking my blindfold off. I was dumbfounded. 

"Wow, it's sooo, wow" It was soo beautiful and serene. Green, green everywhere. This was an island and It wasn't populated much.

Molokai, Hawaii was truly a world away from Hawaii's other famous touristy islands, but here we were almost all alone. Only a few came here to get away from the daily hustle-bustle of life, to find tranquility. It was like a hidden gem.

"But I did not pack anything D" I  remembered as they had just dragged me from their office. 

"Don't worry my Queen, your servant bought everything you would need. " D said bowing down to me as if he was holding his skirt up with one hand. And to that, I heard a snort. 

"Ahem... Mahi you could always borrow my clothes, though I doubt they'll fit you. You know me being tall and that." Celestina said sweetly trying to cover her snorting incident and indirectly commenting on my height and my chubbiness. That witch. She is getting on my nerves now. 

"Oh Celestina thank you for the offer but I think I'll pass, you know I like to leave at least something to the imagination." Now it was my turn to comment on the short number that she was sporting tonight. I don't think anyone would possibly be comfortable wearing that, that too the whole day.

"Guys, let's go change and come back," Max said coming back from wherever he was.

We were staying with an old couple. They were a friend of Max's parents which was very convenient for us and also rich which explains how they were able to own a property on this island.

Hauling my small bag to the assigned room, I fell flat on the big bed in the middle of the room grumbling like an unhappy kid. Unfortunately, I had to share a room with Miss Cinderella because there were only 4 rooms in the house and one was the master bedroom already occupied. 

Left three we had to share, so it was the choice of the devil staying with me or Max. D and Seb had already chosen each other and nobody wanted to get between the love birds. 

She was all happy to be sharing a room with Max, but there wasn't an attached bathroom to the room he would be occupying so she decided otherwise. And I wasn't going to exchange rooms just for them, I loved my privacy as well. Who wants to leave their bedroom in the middle of the night if they wanna pee?.

This whole time Max hadn't tried talking to me, which was strange because he was always near me. This is the first time he hadn't talked to me or maybe it was because of the devil hanging onto him. This had to be the longest that he was away from me.

Calculating the travel time from New York to here, and the time zones, the sun was setting now, going home.

Now coming back to the situation at hand, that prick had packed nothing I could wear. I hate wearing revealing things, showing too much skin to others. Wearing shorts was ok because I had practiced that and not many seemed to care as to what you were wearing here, but in India people stare if you wear something revealing, maybe not always but they do. And I am a very self-conscious person due to my chubbiness and everything else in general.

Ok, so if I have my point clear, you would also understand that wearing a bikini top that only covered the essentials was a kind of a big NO-NO for me, and in my hand was a bright green string bikini but instead of the bikini bottom, I had shorts, which was good.

With that there was a note attached, "hey baby doll I know you are cursing me right now but wear it. There are only a handful of people on this whole island. So live a little and show Maxy those curves you have been hiding 😉
Love D. "

That idiot wants me to show my curves to Max, MAX. I'll show him that, that little piece of a snail.

BUT how thoughtful. He was one of the very few who cared enough to actually think and do such a thing for me. If it would have been left to me, I would have brought a big shirt to cover me till the knees and lots and lots of them. Let's try something new for a change.

Ok, let's get this baby on road.

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