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Hello readers, sorry for the delay.

Hope you like the next chapter. Please do like and comment. Thank you


"You are like a big piece of candy, my love. I could bite you, lick you, all day long," he growled in his husky deep voice, and If it wasn't for him, holding me by my waist. The intensity behind his words was more than enough to make my knees buckle. I would have definitely collapsed by now. Though there was a wall behind me.

My heart was beating at such a high speed that I thought I might even have a heart attack right here, right now. And at such a small age. It would be too soon for me and such a tragic end to my life, I have not even kissed yet. I can't go like this.

Then his full plump red lips started descending towards mine, slowly, stretching the anticipation within me, and then, my whole body started to shake, violently.

No, I was being shaken violently. What is happening?

"Wake up! wake up! waaaaaaake up! You sleepy head. " Derek groaned, trying to bring me up from my peaceful dream-filled slumber. Which he did successfully as I wake up gasping out of breath.

I look around blinking off the sleep, disoriented.

"Oh! that was just a dream. Phew," Realising that it was just a part of my romance addict dream,  I sighed quietly to myself, wiping the sweat off my forehead.

I am not sure whether if I should be happily relieved or be disappointed about that. These kinds of dreams never bothered or entered my mind before but since last night, I am seriously considering a checkup. 

Something is definitely wrong here. It was such a weird dream. Sweets generally always invaded my dreams at night but now, the handsome hulk was also there. He had messed up my mind, more than it already was.

"Looks like someone was dreaming the naughty, naughty," D suggests in a sing-along voice, wiggling his eyebrows together and his finger in my face. By the look on his face, he was definitely thinking of something dirty, just like him.

 I threw my pillow at him, "Shut up and go get me something to eat. " I ordered him instead of arguing with him. He was like my own personal servant, except I didn't pay him a dime. I am soo lucky.

He just sulked threw my pillow back at me, frowning, and went out of my room probably to the kitchen not before giving a sarcastic bow and muttering a 'yes your highness', on his way out.

Last night when I was dancing with Max, D came and got me because Sebastian had called and said that he was feeling lonely and also, that he was missing his love. By the way, Sebastian, or Seb as I call him, is D's boyfriend. He would have come with us to the party but he was recovering from his cold, which was apparently pretty bad. Just excuses.

Thank the lord, D came and saved me at the right time and it all worked out in my favor. I don't know what would have happened if he hadn't. I was totally drawn to that beautifully sculpted male.

The look on Max's face was driving my heart crazy. Like it would burst out of my chest. I wasn't sure for how long I was going to survive like that and also my mind had a mind of its own, conjuring up unnecessary scenarios instead of working properly. He was incredibly attractive.

And now that the night has ended, I decided to just forget my stupid crush and go have my breakfast but before that, I had to freshen up. Anyhow, I won't be seeing him or meeting him again or so I thought.

After taking a quick shower, I decided to wear my comfortable clothes today, which consists of a mickey mouse top and my black shorts. I wasn't in the mood to get dressy today, having spent yesterday all glammed up. Today was a comfy day.

Pulling my curly hair up in a bun, I was now ready to go out and have my food. My stomach complained letting out painful noises, I was very hungry, I am always hungry.

"D, D, D, D, D where are you, my slave? The queen wants her food," I continued from my room, in a singsong voice. I could hear some male voices so I continued in that direction. Seb must have stayed last night. That's why D didn't bother me again while I was taking my own sweet time getting ready. He never lets me get ready peacefully.

As I made my dramatic entrance in the kitchen, making drum roll sounds from my mouth, I had 3 pairs of eyes on me. I shut up instantly. Not only did I dream about him, but I have also started seeing things as of now. I blinked my eyes rapidly and closed them tight and counted till 3. opening them, I still saw him there.

Not trusting my eyes just yet, I rubbed my eyes thinking I was just seeing things. I was definitely seeing things now. Max was standing there in the kitchen, in our apartment. That was the first time I ever saw him in the apartment.

But I wasn't. He was standing next to the kitchen counter in all his tall glory. So much for forgetting about him. I sighed deflating like a balloon.

"Morning baby girl," Seb greeted me with a kiss on my cheek when I just stood there, gawking at Max.

"Good morning, my chocolate machine." I greeted back. He always got me chocolate to eat, so I called him that. I loved him because of that. He knew how to be on my good side.

"Good morning, Mahi," said a more masculine voice. Now definitely I wasn't seeing things. It was official.

"Umm! Morning, " I said meekly, trying not to stutter. I never saw him here before in the apartment, even if he was D's friend. Why is he here now?

"Oh! Maxy here is my cousin." Seb says next patting Max on his back. I did not know that piece of information.

Ok. Now it makes sense but it still didn't explain as to what actually he was doing here, at this time of the day.

And Max being Max, came towards me when nobody was watching, towering over my small height. I should have worn heels or my heeled shoes or something at least. I didn't even reach his shoulders without them so you could guess how I would look at him.

"I must say, you look adorable in this cute attire," he says in his sexy low voice, just for me to hear. "Though it is cute, you look damn sexy in them."

Now, I seriously needed to eat before I faint because of this man. He was making me feel things I never felt before. I swallow the limp in my throat at his proximity. My breathing has increased and my stomach was filled with air.

For god's sake, I was blushing right now, and I have never blushed like this before. Looking at his face I could tell that he was definitely amused by my lack of communication. I could see it in his eyes, even though it was difficult for me to see properly. Height is the issue here not my eyes. He was a giant. A GIANT.  For me at least.

Even in the broad daylight, this guy looked way more handsome and sexy than any model for me. I could just look at him all day and not get bored. I sigh internally. I am having a fangirl moment right now. All I wanted to do was lock myself in my bedroom, jump up and down on my bed squealing. This was my first hardcore crush.

He was wearing a simple white shirt that stretched across his broad shoulders perfectly and bluish-grey slacks. I had never seen such a weird combo yet he just pulled off that combination like no other. This usually won't work for every guy. If D had worn something like this I would have laughed in his face. 

I loved men in formals and white looked great on him. Actually, most of the female population have hots for men in formal and uniforms. It is a turn-on.

And me?, I could just eat him up like vanilla cone ice cream. No! I just did not think that. I stood there aghast by my own thoughts. I was definitely going crazy plus thinking crazy.

With food in my system, I would be able to think rationally, or else I will keep having such crazy hormonal thoughts about him. He is in danger, as I am one deprived, crazy girl. 

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