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The new day had begun with my lying on the floor, awakening from another Starlight-like tormenting dream. My mind has been torturing me, since the only thing on my mind at the moment, is Nana.

If you don't mind me explaining, the dream was almost real, just substituting it through my imagination and set of ways.
An entire army of Garroths under those darn forever potions coming after me, I'd run into Nana in that dream, and she too had been possessed. They'd both been carrying the same sword that nearly killed Nana the first time. They chased me into a snowy forest, revealing the dreaded winter lodge, everyone seemed to be after me at one point, till I fell into a void (also known as the floor of my bedroom).

Honestly, I know I'm not the only one who continues to have horrifying, nightmares like that. Aaron had had those that we knew of, Nana does too. I've heard Garroth whimpering in his sleep like a hurt puppy in the middle of the night.

Speaking of Aaron, his birthday is coming up. Aphmau had planned a surprise party for his 33rd birthday. She'd wanted it special, very, very special, after everything that had happened less than a year ago.

Back to the morning when I'd rolled out of bed. I admit it. I did it. Happy? I rolled out of bed and frightened myself.

Getting up off the floor of the room, I glanced at my pyjamas, wearing the ironic, magenta pyjamas Aphmau had gotten me many years ago now. Once showered and dressed, I had an early breakfast before Laurance and Garroth had woken up. When I went back to my room, I texted Nana because she usually wakes up late on an ordinary Saturday morning. I was proven wrong somehow. Yet, she'd answered seconds later.

Nana can be very mischievous at times, just the nature of an adorable meif~wa like her. She had requested a meeting in the park by our cherry blossom tree at the local park. It seemed like an important question, one that really couldn't wait for long. But, she'd bribed cupcakes into it... so, she needed me there... can't complain when they're freshly baked ones ...

By half past ten, I'd gone down to leave, greeted by Garroth - as I'd mentioned in the dream, yet unpossessed - and his other roommate, Laurance. They were having brunch, which I knew Laurance had made.

"Morning baby brother!" Garroth called cheerily, as I'd reached the end of the flight of stairs. Ever since we'd been little Garroth had been calling me 'Baby Brother', not only at home but in public.

"Morning," I mumbled, grabbing my coat from the hat stand which was hung up on the hatstand.

Laurance spun around, "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." he sneered, annoyingly.

"No, I fell out of bed this morning," I said sourly, not bothering to talk to them in the eye.

Garroth sighed like he'd figured something out himself. "So that's what that thump was in the early hours of the morning." Stupid Laurance pointed out, but I'm pretty sure he was talking to Garroth.

"She said it was important," I answered, rolling my eyes, just opening the door to leave.

Garroth smirked playfully, "Important, eh?"

"Shut up." I snapped, leaving already with my copy of 'Lord Of The Rings, my phone and stuff, then left for the park early.

After buying two coffees from the nearest cafe, leaning against the cherry blossom tree, I opened up my book, engrossed in the words of the classic novel. I'd forgotten my mask back at the house, well, it was too late to grab that now.

I glanced softly at the place where Nana and I had engraved our initials, on the fork of one of the thick branches and the trunk of the maroon-coloured tree.

The tree was a little damp as I was leaning on it, yet, I didn't mind. I continued reading my book as small snowflakes fell from the sky, I slowly brushed them away, as they got in my way.

I had seen Nana hiding behind one of the trees, but I pretended that I hadn't seen her. Nana was wearing her usual winter outfit, the denim brings out her eyes and hair, although I don't think she knows this. She'd placed on the light hoodie on top of that, then her navy fluffy coat. Nana pounced onto me, hugging me by the waist.

I smiled, and she gave me an immature, cheeky grin, like a three-year-old, "So, you're late." I answered, closing the book. I shrugged, "So, what was it you needed to tell me? In this weather." I asked her, pointing up at the dark, prominent clouds, covering the natural blue sky.

Nana took a deep breath, standing upright in front of me, "Well, you know how the holidays are coming up..." she began.

I slowly swished the coffee cup around in a circular motion, "How could I forget?" I interrupted. But I stopped, realising something, "So, you wanna break up with me?" I questioned. She looked horrified. I smiled, passing her the coffee.

"No! Never!" she exclaimed, pulling a face.

I laughed, "I'm joking." I turned to her, making eye contact. "You're pregnant!?" I yelled, almost too loudly. We certainly weren't ready for that, I don't I would be ready for that.

Nana looked like she had been drawn back almost, jerking her head back and almost laughing, "WHAT!? No! Why'd you think that!?" she asked.

I shrugged, "Dunno. Maybe because you're the one asking the question. Isn't the guy meant to ask those big questions?" I considered.

Nana shrugged, "I guess so. But this is different, so don't take it the wrong way." she said, staring into my eyes.

"Alright, what is it?" I asked, keeping the glance of her prominent meif~wa eyes.

Nana sighed, "A few days ago, I'd gotten a letter from my eldest sister, about a Christmas gathering that my parents are hosting. Instead of having it at our usual thanksgiving. They're holding it at our childhood home, and I thought maybe you'd consider coming?" she explained. I was slightly set back, but I knew I wanted to do that since I first heard about her family. Other than that she has eleven siblings, and their parents, the rest was all a mystery. But the kind of sudden, in some ways. As I took another sip of the hot coffee, she said, "I'm leaving tomorrow..." and spat out the hot coffee that was in my mouth. I took it back, it was too sudden. She saw my reaction and sighed, "If you don't wanna come, I understand." she said, looking down to the ground, with her ears pushed down.

"No, no, no. Of course, I'll come with you." I said, lifting her chin, and looking into her glistening, caramel eyes, which had slightly lost their usual sparkle, "I want to meet your family. I mean, aren't they older and younger versions of you? How bad could it be?" I said so calmly. I knew I was ready to meet her family.


I'd done it. I'd asked him to come, and he accepted, to my perplexing surprise.

I was ecstatic he wanted to come, but I knew this would be something far out of his usual comfort zone. If I was nervous about him attending with me, as my boyfriend, before, then now I am terrified.

After going past Zane's awkwardness, would be my parents. They'd never 'approve' of him. My father would never really pay attention to me, let alone my boyfriends in the first place. I'd never brought back any of my boyfriends to dinner before. Fortunately, my previous boyfriends knew nothing about my family, they only knew Kawaii~Chan, and she was a solitaire, except for her friends. Kawaii~Chan was their girlfriend, Nana was not.

It'll be interesting, to say the least. But Zane was underestimating my siblings. He was in for a surprise and a shock, being the seventh child never helps. How bad can it be... right?


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