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Well, here we go, there's no turning back now. I rang the doorbell and held my breath...


From the outside of the house, I could hear lots of children's voices and kids shouting. It was a little faint but clear. The front door opened, and I braced myself, scrunching up my nose. 

There wasn't an answer for a while. "Nee~Chan?" somebody said, I'd know that voice anywhere, it was my younger sister Remmi, "N-Nana? Is it you?" she stuttered, I could see tears building up in her eyes, happy tears. 

"The one and only," I smiled and gave her the tightest hug ever. 

If I can remember well, Remmi was now twenty-five years old. But she looked like a nineteen-year-old. But, she's always been small for her age. Just like me, *sigh.

"Nana, it's been forever!" Remmi said, trying not to cry. I'm not the emotional type, so it wasn't so hard for me to fight back tears. The last time I saw Remmi was when she was 14. When I first moved into my apartment, two months before I moved in with Aphmau. She wiped away her tears but instantly turned mischievous when she saw Zane by my side. "Soooo, Nee~Chan, who's this?" she teased, leaning against the doorframe.

"This is my boyfriend, Zane," I said, still beaming from reuniting with Remmi.

"It's nice to meet you..." Zane said, searching for her name, then looked at me, knowing I hadn't told him her name just yet. 

"It's Remmi," she hinted. 

"Remmi. It's nice to meet you," he said, holding out his hand, Remmi shook it. 

"Nana, Zane, come inside. Dinner will be in a few hours. So, you can say hi to everyone, if you like." Remmi said, letting us inside. We rolled our suitcases into my childhood home. 

"How many people are here?" Zane whispered to me.

"Um, my parents, siblings, that 13, then their partners, so hmm, 22, then my nieces and nephews that I've never met... so I'm not sure," I whispered back.

"Oh! Jeez!" Zane said, scrunching up his face.

"Come on, we're here now and there's no turning back."

We'll be here for the whole week - December 18th to December 25th. Then, we'll have Christmas dinner at Zane's family's place. It'll be a long few days...


The Ashida Mansion is amazing, so full of life, I love how my first impression of the place was when the cherry blossoms are in bloom. I wouldn't admit it but I was in awe. Despite that, I  trying to keep up with Nana. With admiring the place, and being slow, I had no chance to keep up with her. 

Nana's little sister Remmi was adorable, (not as adorable as Nana but you know what I mean). She had the same pastel pink hair and the same caramel eyes. Well, Nana wasn't kidding when she told me back at Starlight that all her siblings had the same coloured hair and eyes as her.

 She had on a lavender jumper with black, ripped skinny jeans, along with white sneakers and a purple bow on her right ear. She had her hair in dutch braids, you know braids that are fed out, not in, like French braids. 

Nana went all shy when we entered her old home. Remmi had run off and must've been telling her siblings that we had arrived.

"You know what Zane, let's just go to my bedroom so we don't need to introduce ourselves until dinner. My room is on the third storey. Please?" Nana asked, tugging on my left arm slightly. 

ZANE, MEET THE ASHIDA FAMILYWhere stories live. Discover now