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Here's my perspective of what happened to Nana. 

Just after Nana fell, Alanna, Mamoru, mum, dad and I took her to the only doctor's clinic in Alyssa Falls. There wasn't even a hospital, the closest one was in Falcon Claw, 45 minutes away by car. On the car drive to the doctor's office, Nana was in the middle seat lying down, with the seatbelt strapped around her waist. I sat on the edge and had Nana's head in my lap. 

She wasn't purring like she normally does. She was quietly breathing. 

When we arrived, we brought the doctor to the patient. She checked her to find any injuries. And there was a lot, but we didn't know that yet. 

"She's unconscious, but I can't do much for her here. You need to fly her to Falcon Claw Hospital for proper treatment. She'll have more help there," the doctor explained, "I can organize her to be flown by helicopter to Falcon Claw, the flight would barely take 15 minutes. You need to take her ASAP, but only one person can go with her." 

"Zane will go," Mamoru said, he didn't wait for anyone's opinion, everyone actually agreed with him.

"W-Why me?" I hesitated, "Don't one of you, her parents wanna go with her?"

"She trusts you the most. We all know it. She'll want you to be the one she wakes up next to her. Zane, think about it. Would you rather go with her, and be there, or wait for her, be useless and be waiting to receive no news?"Alanna asked.

She had a point. 

"Trust me. I know how it feels." Mamoru said, "I'll explain after."

"ZuZu. You're outnumbered and I'm on Nana's side, she needs you there." mum said. 

"She needs you there with her." dad added.

"Okay, I'll go," I said, I was outnumbered anyway.

"Guys, drive down to the helicopter pads, you should know where they are. Nana and another person will be going to the hospital. Keep an eye on her throughout the flight. It doesn't look like she'll wake up without any help," the doctor sighed. She looked worried for Nana too. 

"Thanks, Dr Waterman," Alanna thanked.

"Now, go, go! Just drive safely!" Dr Waterman replied.

I lifted Nana's head and pushed forward the seat so our dads could go in the back seat. I pushed it back and sat down, did my seatbelt and rested Nana's head back on my lap. I was scared, to be honest. 

We drove to the helicopter pad, the helicopter was all ready to go. Throughout the drive, I was combing my fingers through her bubblegum pink hair. "You're going to be okay Nana," I whispered into her ear. 

When we arrived, we leapt into action. Nana was lifted into a hospital bed and strapped into the helicopter. "Who's coming with her?" the pilot asked. 

"I am," I said. 

"Come with me and put this on," he replied, passing me a headset. 

"Good Luck!" mum called. 

The helicopter was really loud. In fifteen minutes we arrived at the hospital emergency pad. The emergency workers immediately took Nana to the hospital. I felt as if it was all my fault. 

When I left the helicopter, I knew there wasn't much to do, other than wait. And wait. And just wait for any news. 

I sat in the waiting room. I didn't know where they had taken Nana. I got out my phone. I know I hate group chats, but this time, it was really necessary. I added everyone from our friend group to the new chat. 

ZANE, MEET THE ASHIDA FAMILYTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang