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Finally, I could get back to my usual Nana-self. Now, I could get back to watching MLH with Zane. 

But for some reason, I was no longer in my ensuite, I couldn't remember anything, I was in an open park, and I could see the stables not too far away from me, which caused an unsettling feeling in my stomach.

I could see my parents, Zianna and Garte trapped in a lion's cage (no lion in there). I also noticed three shady figures. Then, Zane was trapped in one of those things that Lucinda had trapped Katelyn in back at Starlight. 

One of the shady figures shoved me against a concrete wall. I was certain I had smashed my elbow into it, throbbing in pain, I winced as I tried to move it. Yet the pain wasn't as bad compared to how hard he/she was pushing onto my chest with their hand. They removed their hoodie, the same as the other two people in sync. 

The three people had different hair colours and eye colours, but I recognised them immediately. The female had pastel purple hair and green eyes, the werewolf male had black hair, with a grey wisp and silver threatening eyes, and the final person was a meif~wa like the female with orange hair and orange eyes.

Ein? Michi? Kai?

Zane was realised from the prison and fell to the ground. As he stood up, he lifted his head... his eye was... GREEN?

"Nana Ashida, what a pleasant surprise..." Michi sneered, "Not. You know why it's not because believe it or not, you're the one who came up with this plan, well, not entirely you, someone else. A part of you wanted to humiliate you... and so I've-" Michi snarled. But she was interrupted by Ein and Kai clearing their throats, and gesturing to her that she was not the only one who came up with this evil plan, "Fine," she sighed, "We've been expecting you." she snickered.

"Won the ultima-te challenge, now let's get done with this one," Ein laughed.

"You're just as bad as your sister." Kai sighed in annoyance. 

"Half-sister," he corrected.

Half-sister? "Whatever," Kai snapped. 

"Guys! Shut up! There's no time to bicker! We need to finish this as soon as possible, don't you want this to go right?" Michi exclaimed. 

"Yeah, fine." they chorused. 

"Nana... you've walked straight into our trap. If you had more self-control and didn't hide much, we wouldn't be here today." Michi spat. 

"You should be scared, we're not kidding around." Ein snickered.

"With Ein's expertise we managed to steal Lucinda's spellbook with all the forever potions, and now we've controlled your pathetic boyfriend. Now he's in love with Michi here, and not you anymore." Kai snarled.

"He doesn't even know who you are anymore. You're just a thick blur in his brain as far as I'm concerned," she added, "Zane, honey, can you help me with this?" she demanded sweetly. 

"Michi, p-please..... d-don't...." I stuttered as I tried to breathe.

Michi reluctantly dropped me, and Zane lifted me by the edge of my shirt. My legs were dangling in the air. 

Jeez, he's strong now. 

But he's not the Zane I know, the Zane I know and love is the one who would do anything to protect me, and not follow anything wrong. And that imposter isn't Zane, he's been brainwashed, but I know he will fight through it. 

"Well, you know what you are." Ein spat, "But do they know what you are?" he said, referencing my parents and Zane, who were trapped in the cage. 

"You knew, that everyone would be safer if they didn't know. It would be better for you, and less likely for you to hurt someone." Michi snickered, "Isn't that right?"

ZANE, MEET THE ASHIDA FAMILYWhere stories live. Discover now