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[^ I drew that art above! :3 Imma try Spider-Man next, hopefully, I do well!]


Today, I changed into my usual outfit and slipped a bow onto my right ear. 

This whole new year, I've had an exciting feeling of optimism for what was bound to happen! It snowed on Christmas Day, (which it never does) and with my family's traditions, it's bound to bring good luck this year! I honestly can't wait! 

I bet Zane will propose to Nee! That'll be awesome! I like hanging out with Garroth, he's like another brother for me, - on top of the 6 I already have - we even squabble like proper siblings, even over the silliest things, the same situation with Vylad (yet he's more chill than the other two). 

I had driven off to Phoenix Drop, partly to get away from my parents and just have a break, maybe even begin a new chapter. 

After visiting Katelyn and Nee, I walked over to the large, red, house that belonged to their friend, Aphmoo. Aphmeow? (or was it Aphmau, I can't remember anymore). Hopefully, she has a job opening, the idea of working at a maid cafe would be, like jumping into an anime in real life, I mean, how can anything be any more, amazing?

I coiled my finger around one of my long, strands of pastel pink hair, and drew in a deep breath. Pressing my finger against the plastic doorbell of the red house, I released my nerves. A girl with black hair, olive skin and caramel eyes answered, she wearing casual clothes, was this the interviewer?

"Hey, Kawaii~Chan! I love your new outfit! It's adorable!" the girl said. Kawaii~Chan? Oh, that must've been Nee's nickname for her friends, it meant 'cute girl. 

"No, I'm not Kawaii~Chan. I'm Remmi, her younger sister. Katelyn and Nana told me to come here, I'm looking for a job around here, and I they suggested coming for an interview about a maid cafe," I explained.

"Ohhhhhh..." she said, holding the end, "Come in! I'm Aphmau, it's so nice to meet you! Please, take a seat on the lounge." 

"I'm sorry for interrupting anything," I apologised, as she was gesturing me inside her house.

"No, no, you haven't at all. I was almost just about to interview another person! Now I can do you two together! It's a win-win," Aphmau insisted, pushing me inside. She went upstairs, to get her laptop and some other necessities, as she said. 

I looked over to her sitting room, it was nice, it had a red L-shaped couch, and across the back of the wall was a TV and stand. Sitting there was a guy, who seemed around the age of me, perhaps older, (although I've always been told I look younger than I am) he had dirty blue hair, and teal eyes. He was looking at me as well. 

The entire complexion of my cheeks, heated up, honestly, I didn't know what came over me. "Hey. Are you here for the job interview too?" he asked. 

I nodded, "Y-y-yeah, I-I am, w-what a-about y-you?" 

Great, Remmi, why are you acting so awkwardly? SUCK IT UP, GURL!  He's JUST A GUY! 
H-h-h-he's t-talking t-to me!!

"Yeah, I'm here too. I heard Aph rushing you in. Do you know her?"

"N-no, b-but I've b-been t-told a-lot about her." 

"What's your name? I'm Kasey." Huh, Kasey, that name sounded familiar, but I didn't know where I'd heard that name before...

"I-I'm Remmi," I said, sitting across from him on the other side of the couch. 

"Remmi, It's nice to meet you," he said, as we shook hands. My heart fluttered.

ZANE, MEET THE ASHIDA FAMILYWhere stories live. Discover now