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Alyssa Falls, also known as Blossom Falls, is south of Phoenix Drop, Falcon Claw and other big towns or cities in Ru'ann. The town is lined with countless cherry blossom trees that make the under-appreciated town a tourism hot-stop from December through to February. Especially,  when they're at their blooming point, including being encrusted by the usual soft blanket of snow, crystallising the delicate pink petals. Therefore nicknamed Blossom Falls by many of the residents and visitors. As well to the sakura there's also the glistening mile-long river that cuts through the Northern locations I'd mentioned before, usually paired with the grey concreted path and cane-shaped lights for night walks.

Once we'd finally made it, we hopped out of Zane's black sedan and I practically pulled his arm and began dragging him towards where I wanted to go, before telling him. "So, Zane the first place I wanna show you is the bakery," I said.

He glanced over at me as I let go of his hand and he followed my lead, beside me, "Alright, is that your favourite place or something?" he asked.

I shrugged, rubbing my hands together in the cold air, "It's more than my favourite, it's...  memorable to me. I spent countless hours in there, learning to bake and things like that," I answered.

"So, that's the place where you learnt to back those delicious cupcakes of yours?" he questioned.

"Yeah, but, the real recipe is the one I was never able to perfect." Zane pulled a face. "Mrs Oates taught me how to bake, I would consider her my hero. But, her cupcakes are way nicer than mine."

"I wouldn't count on it. Yours are amazing."

"Stop it. Trust me. Anyway, it's down this way." Pulling him through town and glancing around the place, I noticed that almost nothing had changed since I was last here 10 years ago. I took him on the path to the Kawaii Sweet Bakery. "Her bakery is down through all these shops, right near the centre of town," I explained. The community was a lot more fresh since I was last here. I found my hero's bakery and I was pleased to see things had changed on the outside. This was the best part of my childhmething I wanted to share with Zane. Dialling a number and calling it, I held my phone to my ear.

"Na- what are you-" Zane tried to say until I shushed him with my finger. 

"Hi is this Mrs Oates of Kawaii Sweet Bakery?" I asked.

"Nana is that you?"

"Yeah, I'm visiting you right now, h-hello? Uh..." 

She had hung up. I saw an old woman with white hair tied in a bun, wearing a baking uniform and she came running up to me. She gave me a massive hug. Mrs Oates didn't look much older from when I had last seen her. 

"Nana! It's you! I haven't heard from you in years! How dare you come and not warn me!" shed. 

"I actually did, I called just now," I said, waving my phone in the air, she laughed. Her kind laugh brought back hundreds of good memories. 

"Let me look at you. Pink hair, black ears, pink clothing, big it's definitely you. How have you been?" she confirmed, then glanced over to Zane. 

"I've been good Mrs Oates. I live in Phoenix Drop now." 

"That's great! I knew you were never really fond of this place! But Nana who's this lovely guy?" she asked.

"That's my boyfriend, Zane, Zane, Mrs Oates, Mrs Oates, Zane." I introduced. 

"Pleased to meet you. I'm Zane Ro'Meave."

Mrs Oates laughed again, "Nana, he looks exactly like some of your old anime crushes. I guess you found the real one." I blushed hard. "It's nice to meet you, Zane. Come on Nana and Zane, to the back, like old times, Nana, remember?"

"How could I ever forget?" I said. We went into the back and had been upgraded remember how I said that the outside looked the same, well the inside had been refurbished. White and pink colours tiled the floor, with a blanket of black non-slip mats and long counters, which were long and a striking marbled grey and white. Along with massive fridges, automatic ovens and a whole wall of drawers. 

I sighed in awe, and Mrs Oates patted my shoulder in agreement. Zane and I took a seat on one of the counter barstools and Mrs Oates brought us some cookies. 

"So, Mrs Oates, how have you been?" I asked. 



Mrs Oates seemed important to Nana. I know she enjoyed their whole-hour talk. Luckily I had brought one of my books to keep myself occupied. On our way out we were given some free cupcakes. 

After that, Nana showed me a little more around her town, we had a cupcake each, these vanilla cupcakes were so good, moist, melt in the mouth, creamy and soft. I could see how Nana was still needing to perfect her recipe. But, I didn't mind that. Nana was also given a booklet from Mrs Oates with more recipes for her to try out. 

We went to another restaurant for lunch, a place where she and her family came to when she was really little. She knew her way around this town by the back of her finger. Even with her eyes closed. We also went for a peaceful riverside walk, and then around half past five that afternoon we returned to my car. I threw her my car keys and she drove us to her childhood home. Nana had only gotten her full licence a few months ago since I taught her. 

Nana pulled up at a house, not a mansion, but on the rich-looking side of her town. Behind some gates were more cherry blossoms and a lovely white mansion. Nana announced that we were finally here. It was three storeys high and a little bigger than the Ro'Meave mansion my parents have back in O'Khasis.

"Alright, Zane, here we go. Don't be awkward and don't wear your mask. My parents have kind of high expectations, but I don't know what to expect from them anymore. The whole place will be crowded with lots of people. Anyway, are you ready?" Nana said self-consciously. We walked up the cherry blossom driveway, it was breathtaking. We made it to the big two front doors, with our suitcases behind us. Nana took a deep breath and rang the doorbell...


We'd finally made it. The cherry blossom was just beginning to bloom, after being bare for the past 2 months. The sun was peacefully setting. We rolled our suitcases up the driveway and I may have bombarded Zane with tons of expectations. Well, here we go, there's no turning back now. 

I rang the doorbell and held my breath...


2022 Edit: Not one of my bad chapters. Also, who else found the MID reference?

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