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The youngest female meif~wa turned to look around at the group, "Shall we begin?" Remmi asked. 

"Mm-kay," Nana agreed. 

And we did, the girls - mum, Alanna, Nana and Remmi went into Target, while the rest of us waited outside if we go in there, there are no chances that, men like us, will leave, alive. "How long do you think we'll be in here for?" Haruto asked. 

"Seeing that's your mother, her best friend and your sisters, we'll probably be here for an hour at least," Mamoru pointed out. 

So, we waited there for an hour and a half. Nana had taken the backpack with her and I had left my reading book in there, so it was left to my phone to save the day. Good thing, I'd charged it before we left this morning. 

When we saw the girls paying, I woke up Haruto who was sitting next to me and then I saw a guy with blonde hair and another guy with brown hair. I somehow recognized them, but...

"Garroth?! Vylad!?" I called. I'd make a fool of myself if it wasn't them, but I knew.

"Zane?" they said, walking over to us. 

"What are you two doing here?" I asked. 

"Um, shopping. Duh!" Vylad said. 

"Vylad has a girlfriend but won't tell me her real name. Her nickname is Tati," Garroth protested. 

"Vylad? You have a girlfriend?" I said, primarily shocked, but, on the verge of laughing. "That's the best thing I've heard so far! What else is new?" I asked. Vylad crossed his arms at me. I calmed down, knowing it wasn't a, you actually have a girlfriend?"

"Yes, I have a girlfriend," he sighed. "It was meant to be a surprise, but Garroth's big ears!" Vylad protested, punching Garroth in the arm. 

"Owie," Garroth whined, rubbing his arm. The girls walked out of the shop. 

"Vylad?" Nana asked. 

"Kawaii~Chan!" he said, as It's

"Actually it's Nana," she corrected. 

"What?" Vylad asked.

"Don't you read the texts in the group chat?? You're in every single one! My real name is Nana." 

"Oh, um, do you wanna do that welcome again?" 

"No, it's ok... Anyway, this is my family, my parents, Alanna and Mamoru, and my youngest siblings, Remmi and Haruto. Guys, this is Vylad, Zane's younger brother and Garroth, his older brother." 

"Hello," Vylad said.

"H-h-hi." Garroth stuttered.

"Hi," Remmi said and waved.

"May the force be with you," Haruto said, bowing down, and back up again. 

"Hey! That's a Star Wars reference," Vylad pointed out. 

"Yeah, I know, that was kind of the point." Haruto said, "Do you like Star Wars?"

"Do I like them? I don't like them, I LOVE them!" Vylad exclaimed. 

"Me too!" Haruto said, jumping up and down like a four-year-old.

"Nice to meet you my fellow Jedi." Vylad bowed to Haruto. 

"Oh my Irene, Zianna is that Vylad!? Like little Vee-Vee!?" Alanna asked. 

Mum smiled, running over to her youngest son, "The one and only," mum answered. 

"Seriously!? He's so big now!!" Alanna exclaimed. 

"... Should I know you?" Vylad asked. 

Alanna shrugged, "We last met when you were..." 

"8 months old," mum filled in.

"When you were 8 months old."

"Hang on, Alanna, Zianna, Sylvanna? Why are all your names so similar?" Garroth asked. 

"I don't know, but I know there were a few other girls in our grade who had their name ending in 'anna', very similar to ours." Alanna said, "You still have contact with Sylvanna?" she exclaimed. 

"I mean, she's my best friend's mother," I said. 

There was a loud siren noise coming from Garroth's direction, then I saw his ears and tail pop out. "Garroth! Code yellow!" I warned. He immediately covered his ears with his hands. 

Code yellow was a code we made for Garroth, whenever his ears and tail accidentally popped out in public. We had only needed to use it once before. 

"He's a werewolf?" Alanna inquired. 

"Oh. No." Vylad practically stated. (he knows everything about Starlight by that point)

"Why is he a werewolf?" Something is goingsomething going on," Mamoru said. 

"I'm glad there aren't too many people in the mall," I said trying to change the subject. 

"Um, let's keep shopping!" Vylad exclaimed. 

"The last one to the escalator has to dump five buckets of grease on their head!" Garroth said. 

"Hey! That's not fair! I just got out of the hospital and have a broken arm!" Nana wailed. 

"Then you don't need to do it," Garroth said. 

"It still applies for Haruto, Garroth and I, Zane can do it if he wants," Vylad concluded. 

"I like these guys already," Haruto said. 

"And has to do the dishes!" dad yelled, "But, I mean, the dishwasher fairy could still do it for us..." he said. 

"Dishwasher fairy?" Alanna asked, here's another dumb blonde Ro'Meave thought. I know where Garroth gets his stupidity from, it made me shudder knowing I'm related to them. 

"There's no dishwasher fairy, Garte!" mum yelled. 

Nana handed me a black mask, but I kept it in my pocket for the time being. Vylad and Haruto ran over to the escalator while Garroth used the walls. "Garroth! That's unacceptable! You're lucky we sponsor this place!" dad yelled. 

I stayed behind since I didn't want to be one of those dummies, and also I didn't want to get bacon grease dumped on my head. I guess I was the only one with common sense. We stuck as a big group, it was around 1 pm when we decided to have lunch. 

"Let's go to that Chinese restaurant," I suggested. The restaurant was called Thai Cuisine. 

"Um, Nana, wanna share?" I asked. 

"Sure Zane." she smiled, and we both blushed. It was our group's turn to order. 

"Fried Rice," I said. 

"We'll take the sweet and sour chicken," mum said. 

"I love chicken so yeah!" dad exclaimed. 

"I'll have chow mein," Remmi ordered. 

(#QueenRemmi all hail Queen Remmi) {Thx Sunset_Blues}

"Spring rolls and fried rice for me," Garroth said. 

When we had all ordered, we dined in at the restaurant. Our parents sat at a table on the other side of the restaurant, Nana and I had our own table and our siblings sat at the table not too far away from us. Hopefully, they wouldn't be a bother. Or...


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