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Twilight is the most adorable puppy in the entire world! And so good-tempered, she knows when it's time for some kind of meal when Zane and I have it - although Zane's been very busy with his neurosurgeon studies. I don't blame him though, he's quite committed to it. 

Twi and I went over to see if she had any owners or even a microchip - she doesn't. I multi-checked the small pup to see if she had some sort of identity, but she responds to Twilight, even when Zane calls her 'The Pup', she yips and comes to his feet, an unintentional bond. 

I honestly think Zane is going soft for that puppy. 

The vets don't seem to know what kind of animal she is, 'some kind of dog or wolf' they said, and she's only 4 weeks old, based on her development and teeth growth. Her fur is a black swirled purple colour, and her eyes are like black beads. When she's not happy, or scared, she rolls into a ball and glows a dark purple colour. 

It's been a week now since we found her at the creek banks. 

"Twi! Fetch!" I called to her, sitting in the front yard on the snow in front of one of the various cherry blossom trees, throwing her blue, rubber bone. She came skidding back to me, holding the bone in her mouth, dropping it in front of me. I threw it again and she happily ran after it.

"Hey KC," Aphmau said, walking into the front yard with Celestia, "What were you throwing just then?" she asked, sitting beside me. 

"I--" I was cut off with Twilight jumping into my arms with her bone, she yipped and wagged her tail so fast that she can use it as a whipper-snipper. 

"YOU GUYS GOT A DOG?" Aphmau yelled.

"Yeah... sorta..."


"Er, Aph, you can stop yelling now, y'know?" 

"Right... sorry..." she apologised, keeping her smile as high as her cheek, "What's its name?" she asked again.

"Her name's Twilight," I replied, throwing her the bone again, and the two pups ran after it. 

"She's so small! How old even is she?"

"Only 4 weeks, Zane and I found her on the creek bank a week ago," I explained.

"AWW! She even looks the colour of twilight, you know the time, the sky looks like a dark purple, just like her," she pointed out.

"I know, that's why I named her that."

"What about Zane? What did he say about the dog?"

"Yeah, he wasn't too good about her - at first. But he's opening up to her."

"CUTE! (Just like every Zane~Chan shipper)" she squealed.

"Um, Aph what're you doing out here? It's freezing," I said, pointing out the obvious.

"Oh, I was coming to see if you were alright since we couldn't hang out, with all those things you're doing with your bakery. I wasn't expecting you out here, then I saw you throwing that bone, but I didn't know what it was at first. Know what I mean?" she explained.

"Right, that makes sense," I answered, cradling the pup in my arms and letting her run off.

"Good. Can I have a hold of her!? She's too cute!" she exclaimed, I rolled my eyes.

"Sure. TWILIGHT! Come here for a second, little pup!" I called, and she came running up to me, skidding again in the snow, and jumping in my arms. "Twilight, meet Aphmau, she wants to hold you," I told the pup, she looked at Aph and gave an approving bark, and jumped over to her.

"AWW! She is SO TINY! And LOOK! She's only cutting her teeth!" Aphmau cooed, pulling up her gums to see her just-cutting teeth. Celestia barked, and Twilight joined her in some kind of game.

"You know... KC, I wonder where we'll all be in 2 years." Aph sighed.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean that Aaron and I are getting married soon, you and Zane are going strong, and so are Katelyn and Travis. Also, Zenix and Beca are very close. It just makes me wonder a lot of things."

"Ohh, yeah, I've been wondering that too."

"Hah! I bet in two years, you two will be married, probably have a kid or two, you know." Aph sneered cheekily, my cheeks blushed hardly. 

"What about you? OTP AARMAU! You two could have a kid or two!" I protested.

"Yes, I guess we might. But, ha! Don't count on it!"

"Yeah! That's NEVER gonna stop me! HAHAHAHA!"

"Zane~Chan is NUMBER 1 OTP!" Aphmau screeched.


"Are you both fighting over your ships again?" Aaron asked, coming out of nowhere, with Zane standing beside him.

"Hmm, I don't know Aaron, were they?" Zane queried.

"Dunno, you look too cute to be fighting." 

"They sure do," he agreed.

"HEY! DON'T!" we yelled, grabbing our pups in our arms. 

Aaron rolled his eyes, "C'mon Celestia! C'mon! C'mon! Come here, baby girl!" Aaron cooed, and Celestia jumped out of Aph's arms and into his. I gave Zane a warning glare, but he ignored it.

"Come here, Twi, come on!" he encouraged, she jumped out of my arms, even though I tried to catch her, and she jumped over to his arms too.

"Traitors!" Aph and I whined. 

"Oh well, you can now watch them." Aphmau finalised, getting up, tilting her head and sending me a hand signal. 'My house.'

I nodded, "Well! Cya!" I yelled, running over with Aph. 


"So... they're just leaving us here..." Aaron said, as Nana and Aph ran down the sidewalk, leaving us with a pup in our arms each. 

"Yep. Pretty much," I answered.

"What would they even do down that way?"

"Probably to Katelyn's house." Aaron shrugged, "Alright. So.... should we play with these things, or...?" I prompted.

"Okay, where's that bone KC had?" he asked, looking around. I spotted it on the grass by the tree and put down Twilight.

"Found it!" I announced as Twi brought it to me. 

"Good dog!" Aaron laughed, as she dropped it at my feet.

"Eww... dog saliva..." I groaned.

"It's not that bad." Aaron teased.

"Don't! I've never had a fur baby before!" I protested. ("Well... except that hamster." I muttered)

"Yes! I know that! But it's fun to have a pet! Alexander is at the vet for his check-up." Aaron added.

"Twi! Fetch!" I called, throwing the bone again, and she obediently chased after it. Maybe having a dog, won't be so bad...


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