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The next day was amazing. We managed to watch a record of MLH episodes at least for us anyways. We wrapped up at least a hundred Christmas presents, made some gingerbread cookies, and maybe had a few food fights.

Seriously, that girl gets mad when somebody takes a tiny pinch of cookie dough.



It was Zane.


I woke up the next morning thinking it was still the middle of the night. Last night we tried to binge as many MLH episodes before we passed out. 

I looked at my phone it was 7:54 am. It was morning but cloudy, thinking it would be a crappy Christmas Day, but based on the Ashida's traditions, somehow the cloudy-ness was lucky...

Just before lunchtime, the entire Ashida family had filled the mansion, there were people everywhere. My brothers and I stayed in a corner by the kitchen most of the time.

Except for a few times when Nana had pulled me out to meet some of her siblings. But the worst part of the entire thing was her grandmother.

No offence or anything to her but she's just very old-fashioned, and grand-mother talkative, if you know what I mean. 

Nana ran over to me, "Zane... brace yourself..." she whispered.

"What why?" I whispered back.

"Incoming." she winced, putting on a fake smile.

A meif~wa with a wrinkled face, and pink hair with grey streaks, she was at least 90 years old. She had an arched back and old-fashioned clothing.

"Nina! Honey!" she smiled.

"It's Nana." my girlfriend pouted.

"Oh my, Irene! Is that your adorable boyfriend I've heard so much about?" her grandmother asked, grasping my cheek.

"I never told you about him," Nana said expressionless and crossed her arms the best way she could. Somehow she was disliking this person (I didn't know it was her grandmother at the time). 

"Zavier, was it?" she said rather loudly.

"Zane," Nana told her.




"Zane!" Nana said louder.

"Ohh, Zane... honey you don't need to yell."

"Finally," Nana muttered.

"Aww! It's so nice to meet Nee's little boyfriend! He's quite tall isn't he?" 

"Not that tall," she shrugged.

"Nee! What happened to your arm?" she exclaimed.

"I-I fell off a horse, that's all," Nana said.

"Ohh. I remember when Nee was little tripping over her tail learning to walk!" the elderly meif~wa laughed. 

Nana wasn't impressed, but the thought of Nana walking and tripping over her tail, sounded cute. "Uh, nice to meet you too," I said hesitantly. 

"Now! Where's my little Remmi!?" the old woman called huddling away.

Reminded me of a penguin, a very old penguin... I was creeped out. "Who was that!?" I asked.

"My grandmother." she sighed.

"Is she always like that!?" 

"No, much worse, she usually has her hands on the photo album."

"She scared me..." Garroth quivered leaning against the wall.

"From down here she seemed like a giant, a zombie giant, who was about to squash me and take away my brain." Vylad shuddered, who was sitting on the floor next to Garroth, on his phone. 

"Vylad, please, get up from there," mum said.

"Fine..." he sighed, walking to the other side of the room.

"Do you think she'll be back?" I whispered.

"I hope not, but I bet she will." 

"Oh sorry kids, she's fast than you think actually." Alanna sighed, running into the back lounge room. 

"An old lady faster than your mum? Unlikely," I joked.

"Yeah, I don't believe that," Garroth said.

"This happens every Christmas, mum's usually in a conversation with someone when she's supposed to be keeping watch of her mother," Nana explained.

"Oh," we said.


Not too long after that, a huge lunch was served. 

Just HUGE, roast beef, salads, mashed potatoes (and all the others except Aph), eggnog and all those feast-y foods. Along with hundreds of sweets and some of the finest cupcakes, courtesy of Mrs Oates. 

Later the front living room with the huge lit-up tree was filled with so many people, including werewolves, meif~was, nekos, humans, etc. 

Once all that was finished, and wrapped up it was around 5:30 pm when it was only Nana, her parents, Remmi, Haruto, my brothers and parents in the room. 

We were completely bored and had barely anything to do, but Home Alone was playing on the TV, one of the best movies ever. 


I've watched the movie twice in the last two days, k?

Lest We Forget all those people who fought for their countries in all the wars, on Remembrance Day (or Armistice Day, or Veterans Day). 

ZANE, MEET THE ASHIDA FAMILYWhere stories live. Discover now